Explore the new era of China's rural land issues
——a case of City, Henan Province
Abstract: In New Era, the scale of China's rural land circulation significantly increased. Through the investigation of City, I found the land transfer process still has many problems, such as farmers love the land and it is not easy to transfer soil, government organizations regulatory services are not in place, land transfer mechanism is imperfect, land transfer financing is difficult and social security system of land transfer is not improvement, seriously restricting the overall efficiency of agricultural production and increasing farmers’ income levels. The reason is that the uncertainty of the rural land contract management rights’ legal nature, the lack of effective supervision of land contract and management rights, a lack of a better trading service agencies, excessive restriction of laws and regulations on the circulation way and so on. The solving strategies are: to strengthen the policy advocacy, improve land transfer market mechanisms to promote circulation intermediary institution-building, transfer contract specifications, strengthen government regulation and improve the social security system.
Key words: land transfer;questions;reasons;countermeasures
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、新时期我国农村图地流转现状——以市为例 2
二、新时期我国农村土地流转存在的问题 3
(一)农民恋土情深,土地不易流转 3
(二)政府的组织、监管服务不到位 3
(三)没有建立有效的土地流转机制 4
(四)农村土地流转双方融资困难 4
(五)土地流转的社会保障体系不完善 5
三、新时期我国农村土地流转存在问题的原因 5
(一)农村土地流转空间受到一系列因素的影响 5
(二)土地承包经营权法律性质不明确 6
(三)土地承包经营权流转缺乏有效的监管 6
(四)缺乏较完善的交易中介服务机构 7
(五)法律法规对流转方式限制过多 7
四、解决新时期我国农村土地流转存在问题的对策 7
(一)加强土地承包经营权流转的政策宣传 7
(二)健全土地流转市场体系 8
(三)积极推进流转中介机构建设 9
(四)加强政府监管 9
(五)完善社会保障体系 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11
随着我国经济社会的发展,以及国家土地政策的调整,农村土地流转在全国各地不断开展,使土地实现了部分资本化,为农村经济发展带来新的活力,也越来越受到政府和农民的重视。现阶段我国农村土地流转的数量进一步扩大,供给与需求的规模呈上升趋势。但是,总体规模偏低,地区差异性显著。土地流转多在农户与农户之间进行,土地流转引发的争议也层出不穷,而且,随着农业现代化与农村城镇化进程加快,大批农民工进城务工,而其在农村的宅基地和责任田闲置,严重困扰着我国农业的发展,这些问题受到了社会以及政府的高度关注, 2014年3月国务院总理李克强在十二届人大二次会议上作政府报告时提出:“保持农村土地承包关系长久不变,抓紧土地承包经营权及农村集体建设用地使用权确权登记颁证工作,引导承包经营权有序流转,要慎重稳妥的推进农村土地改革试点。”[1]这些政策都将有助于农村经济体制更加完善,城乡经济社会发展一体化机制进一步建立,现代化农业建设的快速进展,农业综合生产能力的提高。然而,土地流转作为新生事物,与已经成熟的农村土地承包经营权制度不可避免地会发生一定程度的冲突。 新时期我国农村土地流转问题探讨:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_9346.html