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时间:2018-04-13 12:18来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 预制装配式;结构体系;节点构造;抗震性能;抗震设计

Prefabricated architectural structure of a building in the factory prefabricated, transported to the construction site, the workers a spliced into industrial production overall. This mode of production to the fast speed of construction, economic benefit and environmental benefit has been paid more and more attention of owners and designers. However, the current structure assembly type structure connection reliability is poor, the prefabricated frame structure used in seismic area is limited. At the same time, prefabricated buildings in bad economy in actual construction defects. Based on this, discusses the joint structure and the economy of prefabricated building structures.
In this paper, based on a lot of reading existing literature summary and become, by assembling building production, research and development and structure of the system, put forward the necessity of the development of prefabricated construction in our country, and to solve the problems existing in our current building, in the building structure node structure were summarized construction technical feasibility, also the seismic performance and technology economy bad for assembling building to do the analysis, to find a solution to the problem.
Keywords:Prefabricated; structure system; node structure; seismic performance; economic performance
目  录
摘   要    I
Abstract    II
1绪论    1
1.1  装配式建筑产生的背景    1
1.2  装配式建筑在国内外的发展情况    1
1.2.1  装配式建筑在国外的发展情况    1
1.2.2  装配式建筑在国内的发展情况    3
1.3我国发展装配式建筑的必要性及课题的意义    5
1.3.1我国发展装配式建筑的必要性    5
1.3.2上海发展装配式建筑的政策支持    7
1.3.3课题研究的意义    7
2装配式建筑结构体系    9
2.1框架结构    9
2.1.1  装配式和装配整体式框架的构件划分    9
2.1.2  装配式框架结构节点刚性的选择    10
2.2  剪力墙结构    10
2.2.1  预制钢筋混凝土墙板(大板结构)    11
2.2.2  粘结后张拉预应力预制混凝土剪力墙    11
2.2.3  预制叠合剪力墙结构    12
3装配式建筑节点构造设计    13
3.1  装配式建筑材料性能要求    13
3.1.1  钢材    13 预制装配式框架结构抗震设计研究:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_13141.html