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时间:2018-05-09 20:32来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着社会经济的快速发展,传统铁路的时速已不能满足当下人群的需求,随之高速铁路客运专线得到了快速发展。杭甬客运专线,也称作杭甬高铁,是国家高速铁路客运网以及规划建设中的长三角地区高速铁路网的重要组成部分,已于 2013年7月1日正式开通运营。杭甬客运专线与京沪高速铁路一样,采用全程无碴轨道,时速高达 250公里/小时以上。此次论文以杭甬高铁作为研究对象,对其路堤设计和软土地基处理方案进行了新的研究。本次设计使用AutoCAD、Word、计算器等,绘制了直线段和缓和曲线段的路堤横断面示意图;使用条分法对路堤边坡稳定性进行验算;选取重力式挡土墙和桩板式挡土墙作为路基边坡支护结构进行设计;针对软土地基,在借鉴各种成功工程实例的基础上,选取排水固结法和振冲置换法作为此次软土地基处理的两种方案。 最后对路基坡面防护进行了研究。 22586
毕业论文关键词: 路堤设计;地基处理;软土地基;排水固结法;振冲置换法
The foundation treatment and embankment design of
Hangyong passenger dedicated line
Abstract: With the rapid development of social economy, High-speed rail passenger line has
been quickly developed as the traditional speed rail can not meet the needs of the current
population. Hangzhou-Ningbo Passenger Line which is also known as Hangzhou-Ningbo
high-speed rail, is an important part of the national high-speed passenger rail network as well as
the planning and construction of the high-speed rail network in Yangtze River Delta.  It was
officially launched operations on July 1, 2013. Hangzhou-Ningbo high-speed railway passenger
line is the same as the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway passenger line, Using the whole
track without  ballast and Speeds up to 250 km/hour. The thesis takes  Hangzhou-Ningbo
high-speed rail as the research object, doing some new research on its embankment design and
soft ground treatment options. This design use AutoCAD, Word, calculators to  draw the
Schematic cross section of embankment in  line segment and  transition curve; Using the slice
method to check the stability of embankment slope; Select gravity retaining wall and slab pile
retaining wall as the embankment slope supporting structure to design. For Soft, on the basis of
taking varieties of examples of successful projects, select drainage consolidation method and vibro replacement method as the two programs to handle the soft ground. Do some study on the
embankment slope protection in the last. 
KeyWords: Embankment design; Foundation treatment; Soft; Drainage Consolidation Method;
Vibro Replacement 
1  绪论    1
1.1  工程概况 ..  1
1.2  研究背景 ..  1
1.3  课题的目的和意义 .  2
1.4  课题的重难点   2
2  路堤横断面设计  .  3
2.1  路堤横断面设计原则   3
2.2  直线段路堤横断面设计 ..  3
2.3  圆曲线段路堤横断面设计 .  4
2.3.1  外轨超高介绍 .  4
2.3.2  外轨超高度计算   4
3  路堤边坡稳定性验算  ..  5
4  路堤过渡段设计  ..  10
4.1  路堤与桥台处 .  10
4.2  路堤与横向结构物 .. 11
5  路基边坡支护结构设计  ..  13
5.1  重力式挡土墙 .  13
5.2  桩板式挡土墙 .  17
5.2.1  尺寸拟定 .  17
5.2.2  计算设计荷载及其分布 .  17
5.2.3  依据抗倾覆稳定性验算确定地面以下桩长 ..  18
5.2.4  悬臂段荷载产生的土压力和 A点弯矩  .  18 杭甬客运专线地基处理与路堤设计:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_15250.html