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时间:2018-10-30 20:49来源:毕业论文
Various indicators, calculation formulae and the data parameter, which are involved in the design, refer to the various standards and professional textbooks, and the equipments are basically elected f

Various indicators, calculation formulae and the data parameter, which are involved in the design, refer to the various standards and professional textbooks, and the equipments are basically elected from actual samples.

4 The main design work
Calculation of building all need refrigeration / heat room cooling load; according to the characteristics of building load, considering the economic, environmental protection, comfort and other factors, determine the air condition system  schemes. according to the total building cooling load selection of Air conditioning end equipment; At the same time, the pressure of hydraulic calculation and balance of each line is plotted to meet the design requirements.

目  录
绪论  7
1 设计依据    9
1.1国家主要规范和行业标准    9
1.2建筑概况    9
1.3设计任务    9
1.4上海市设计计算参数    9
2负荷计算    11
2.1夏季空调冷负荷计算    12
2.2冬季空调热负荷的计算    15
2.3湿负荷计算    17
3 系统方案的确定    19
3.1空气调节系统的分类    19
3.1.1按空气处理设备的设置情况分    19
3.1.2按负担室内负荷所用的介质种类分类    19
3.1.3按处理空气的来源来分类    19
3.2空调系统方案的确定原则    20
3.3系统方案的比较    21
3.4空调风系统方案的确定    22
4 空调风系统设计计算    23
4.1送风方式    23
4.1.1常见送风方式    23
4.1.2送风方式的确定    23
4.2风量计算    23
4.2.1风机盘管、新风系统设计计算    24
4.3风道水力计算方法    25
4.3.1风道水力计算    24
4.3.2风管的布置    24
5 气流组织的设计计算    26
5.1气流组织方案论证    27
5.1.1 风口形式的确定    28
5.1.2 气流组织形式的确定    29
5.2气流组织设计计算    30
5.3散流器送风    31
6 空调水系统水力计算与冷水机组设计    34
6.1空调水系统的管路计算    34
6.2立管水力计算    36
6.3冷凝水管路设计    36
6.4冷水机组的设计  36
6.3.1机组的分类  37
6.3.2冷水机组选型  38
6.5水泵的选型    39
6.5.1.冷冻水泵的选型    39
6.5.2.冷却水泵的选型    40
6.5.3.补水泵的选型    41
7 其他设备选型    42
7.1水系统附件的选择    42
7.1.1除污器和水过滤器    42
7.1.2阀门    43
7.1.3供回水总管上的旁通管与压差旁通阀的选择    43
7.2冷却塔的选型    43
7.3膨胀水箱的选型    44
7.4分水器和集水器的选型    44
7.5空调水系统的水质管理    44
7.5.1空调水系统水质管理的设计原则    45
7.5.2除污器及水处理设备    46
7.5.3水系统的泄水与排气    47
8 管道防腐与保温    48
8.1管道保温    48
8.1.1保温目的    48 上海某宾馆中央空调设计+CAD图纸(2):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_25287.html