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时间:2017-02-25 16:34来源:毕业论文
5 Air condition breeze systems This building is given priority to with office functions. afte considering the advantages and disadvantages of all air system and fan-coil unit plus fresh air system, co

5 Air condition breeze systems
This building is given priority to with office functions. afte considering the advantages and disadvantages of all air system and fan-coil unit plus fresh air system, combined with the actual situation by adopting fan-coil unit plus fresh air air conditioning system. As a result of these air-conditioned rooms more, the corresponding area of smaller, separate rooms require adjustment, and the room temperature and humidity requirements do not strictly, have adopted the new Canadian Wind fan coil air-conditioning systems.
As a comprehensive office building, the ventilation requirements are relatively high, so we must make use of the outdoor fresh air.The new wind-based system, an independent supply of indoor and outdoor weather can change with the adjustment, which is the new wind to deal with indoor parameters, do not assume room load to ensure that indoor humidity and Xinfeng Liang requirements. This programme is improving the system of regulation and the flexibility of operation, and the fan-coil into the water supply can be appropriately raise the temperature, water mains condensation phenomenon can be improved.
6 Air conditioning water system
As the building's air conditioning system using water-pressure gas tank closure expansion tank means constant pressure. Taking into account the simple design of the pipe line system, the design of water systems in a dual-tube.According to the principle can be pided into open and closed system. It can be seen from the building that room does not require simultaneous heating and cooling, so I choose the closed system. The supply and return water mode of air conditioning water system is the same program, namely, return water pipe for water flow direction in the same line, through the length of each loop are equal, the way that water allocation, convenient adjustment, convenient for hydraulic balance, and it can also reduce the initial adjustment difficulties
7 Bathroom ventilation design
Machinery exhaust device is applied to the project’s bathroom, the ventilation is 20-30 m3 / h. Exhausting fan set up exhaust-opening for windowless bathroom,, and exhausted to the outdoor by exhaust. Bathroom is kept negative pressure, and prevented smell coming out, exhaust fan and check valve is chosen for the bathroom.目录
绪论    1
1设计概况    2
1.1 工程概况    2
1.2 设计资料    2
1.2.1 室外设计计算参数    2
1.2.2 室内设计计算参数    2
1.3 设计内容    2
1.4 设计依据    3
2负荷计算    4
2.1负荷理论根据    4
2.1.1房间冷负荷的构成    4
2.1.2房间湿负荷的构成    4
2.2  夏季空调冷负荷计算    4
2.1.1  围护结构冷负荷    4
2.1.2  室内热源散热形成的冷负荷    6
2.2  湿负荷计算    8
2.3  负荷计算数据汇总    9
3系统选择    10
3.1 天通大厦使用特点    10
3.2 方案选择    10
3.3 方案比较    10
3.4 方案的确定    12
4新风负荷的计算    13
4.1  新风量的确定    13
4.2  夏季空调新风冷负荷的计算    13
5空气处理设备的选型    15
5.1  风机盘管的选型    15
5.1.1  风机盘管加独立新风系统的处理过程以及送风参数计算    15
5.1.2  风机盘管的选取    16
5.1.3  风机盘管的布置    17
5.2 新风机组的选择与计算    17 大型公共建筑中央空调系统设计说明书(3):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_3375.html