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时间:2019-10-27 16:05来源:毕业论文
Now in order to effectively monitoring the construction of the situation, timely warning signs of fire, the entire building design a set of control center alarm system, setting in a layer of fire room

Now in order to effectively monitoring the construction of the situation, timely warning signs of fire, the entire building design a set of control center alarm system, setting in a layer of fire room. According to the regulation, the building is a protected object, each layer as a separate alarm area; detection zone in a separate room partition, staircases, corridors, lobby can be respectively pided for the detection of single region. In the detection area, the smoke type fire detector is selected, and at least 1 manual alarm buttons are arranged in each alarm area. In the event of fire, the fire control room is responsible for building fire control and fire control.
KeyWords:  the general plan of building fire protection design; safety evacuation; Automatic water spraying fire extinguishing system; automatic alarm system
目  录
1. 绪论    1
1.1 工程资料    1
1.1.1 地理位置    1
1.1.2 建筑基本概况    1
1.1.3 消防设计任务    1
1.1.4 设计标准及规范    1
1.2 商业建筑消防安全浅析    2
1.2.1 国内商业建筑消防安全现状    2
1.2.2 国外建筑消防安全现状    2
1.2.3 我国商业建筑消防存在的问题    3
1.2.4 商业建筑消防安全防控对策    4
2. 建筑总平面设计    6
2.1 建筑分类和耐火等级    6
2.2 防火间距    6
2.3 消防车道设计    6
3. 建筑平面防火设计    7
3.1 防火分区划分    7
3.2 防烟分区的划分    8
4. 建筑安全疏散    10
4.1 疏散安全出口    10
4.2 疏散楼梯间    10
4.3 安全疏散距离    11
5. 室内装修防火    12
5.1 装修材料的分类和分级    12
5.2 装修防火要求    12
6. 灭火器配置    13
6.1 确定灭火器配置场所的危险等级与火灾类型    13
6.1.1 确定灭火器配置场所的危险等级    13
6.1.2 确定灭火器配置场所的火灾类型    13
6.2 灭火器最低配置基准    13
6.3灭火器的保护距离    14
6.4 灭火器配置计算    14
6.4.1 计算单元的需配最低灭火级别    14
6.4.2 确定该单元的灭火器设置点数与各点的位置    15
6.4.3 计算灭火器设置点的最小需配灭火级别    15
6.4.4 确定灭火器的类型、规格与数量    15
6.5 验算    15
7. 消火栓给水系统    16
7.1 建筑室外消火栓设计流量    16
7.1.1 室外消火栓布置    16
7.1.2 室外消火栓设计用水量    16
7.2 消防水泵接合器    17
7.3 建筑室内消火栓设计流量    17
7.3.1 室内消火栓布置    18
7.3.2 消火栓的布置间距    18
7.3.3 消火栓给水管网的水力计算    19
7.4 消防水池有效容积    22
7.5 消防水泵扬程及流量    23
8. 自动喷淋系统    24
8.1 确定危险等级和基本参数    24
8.1.1 确定火灾危险等级    24
8.1.2 确定基本参数    24
8.2 喷头的布置    25
8.2.1 确定保护面积    25
8.2.2喷头数量    26 某三层商业街消防系统设计+CAD图纸(3):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_41652.html