6 Sound、shock absorption air conditioning system
Control of noise in the air conditioning ventilation system is the most effective measures of reducing the noise of the fan. First it needs to select high efficiency and energy saving, low noise fan, under the premise of meet air pressure, appropriate choice revolution low fan, reduce the aerodynamic noise. Second is to choose the reasonable bearing, improve the gear accuracy, strict inspection of impeller dynamic balance and static balance, reducing mechanical noise of the fan. Again, the ventilator import and export of pipeline shall not be a sharp turn, import and export of the ventilator pipes should be flexible to take over, its length is 150 ~ 250 mm, usually should not be more than 350 mm.
Weakened by the vibration of the machine to the base is used to eliminate the rigid connection between them, namely on the basis of the vibration source and its setting between vibration absorber components (such as spring shock absorber or rubber cork, etc.) can be made from the source to the vibration of the degree of head. Installed between the basis of the vibration source and its elastic components, can reduce vibration through the base, can also be installed between instrument and its foundation to reduce the vibration of elastic components of the instrument.
设计总说明 ...Ⅰ
The general illustrate of design ...Ⅲ
绪论 ...1
1 概念 ...2
1.1 工程概况 2
1.2 设计目的 2
1.2.1 设计参数 2
1.2.2 气象资料 2
2 负荷计算 3
2.1 冷负荷计算 3
2.2.1 冷、湿负荷的概念 3
2.2.2 冷负荷的计算方法 3
2.2.3湿负荷的计算 7
2.2 建筑物墙体的文护结构最小传热阻计算 7
2.3 建筑物窗体及遮阳设施 8
2.4 采暖设计中的参数 8
2.5 负荷计算数据汇总 9
3 空调方式的比较和选择 12
3.1 空调风系统的选择及方案比较 12
3.2 新风系统 16
3.3 排风排烟系统 17
3.4 空调水系统的选择和特点 17
4 空调设备的选型 19
4.1 全空气系统的设备选型 19
4.2 风机盘管系统的设备选型 21
4.3 新风机组的选型 25
4.4 冷水机组选型 26
4.5 水泵的选择 28
5 气流组织 29
5.1 气流组织的形式 29
5.2 风口选取 29
5.3 风口大小的选择 29
6 水力计算 32
6.1 空调风系统的计算方法 32
6.1.1 风管的水力计算 32
6.1.2 风管系统的平衡计算 36
6.2 空调水系统的水力计算 37
6.2.2 空调水系统的分类 37
6.2.2 空调水系统的水力计算 37
6.3 冷凝水管路的设计 41
7 卫生间和KTV包房的通风设计 43
7.1 卫生间的通风设计 43
7.2 KTV包房的通风设计 43
8 空调系统的消声、减震设计 44
8.1 空调系统的消声 44
8.2 空调系统的减震 44
致 谢 46
参考文献 47
附录 48
绪 论
暖通空调设计主要是对室内热环境、空气品质进行设计,但这必须在充分了解建筑对暖通空调的要求和暖通空调系统及设备对建筑及其它设施的影响的基础上进行设计。许多其它行业的人也越来越多地关心空调系统设计的合理性和经济性。尤其是近年来能源危机的出现、环保意识的不断提高,对空调设计提出了新的更为严峻的挑战。 国际酒店空调系统设计+CAD图纸(3):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_4420.html