7.5.5 承台受弯计算 68
7.5.5 承台局部受压验算 68
7.6 二桩承台计算过程 69
7.6.1 基本资料 69
7.6.2 单桩承载力验算 69
7.6.3 承台受冲切承载力验算 69
7.6.4 承台受剪切验算 71
7.6.5 承台受弯计算 71
7.6.5 承台局部受压验算 71
7.7 三桩承台计算过程 71
7.7.1 基本资料 71
7.7.2 单桩承载力验算 72
7.7.3 承台受冲切承载力验算 72
7.7.4 承台受剪切验算 73
7.7.5 承台受弯计算 74
7.7.5 承台局部受压验算 74
《主要参考文献和所用设计规范》 75
致 谢 76
第8章 附 图
8.1 各层平面简图
8.2 各层混凝土配筋构件及钢构件应力比简图
8.3 各层梁、墙柱节点荷载平面图
8.4 各层现浇板计算配筋图
8.5 D+L
The Structure Design of Shanghai Sanzao Industrial Park supporting architectural and structural design of comprehensive office building
Abstract:The project which has been designed is the structure design of Shanghai Sanzao Industrial Park supporting architectural and structural design of comprehensive office building. The structure of building is cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame system. Roof and floor cast-in-situ type structure. It has 6 floors on the ground.Its height is 21.9 meters. The design mainly includes the structure design. The structural design process mainly concludes three steps: choosing the structural program, structural calculation and structure drawing. First, a suitable program was established. The structural arrangement should make the plane shape and bodily form simple and regulate. So, the stiffness of each part will be uniform and symmetry. In this way, the possibility of distortion will be reduced. Structural calculation involves the following contents: framework, slab, foundation and stairs. One frame was chosen to compute. Then structural design software—PKPM was used to calculate the structure on the ground. The structural drawings were drawn according to the calculated results.
KeyWords:office building;cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame system; structure design;
1 建筑方案设计
1.1 设计依据
[1] 《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB 50009-2001)2006年版;
[2] 《建筑抗震设防分类标准》(GB 50223-2010);
[3] 《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011-2010); 六层办公楼浇钢筋混凝土框架结构建筑与结构设计+CAD图纸(2):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_4506.html