毕业论文关键词:空气净化 现代建筑综合征 全空气 风机盘管
Title Air purifiers on the importance of modern architecture
Air purification market is a huge cake. Indoor harmful substances including formaldehyde, benzene, radioactive radon, etc., with increasing levels of pollution, the human body produces sub reactions, and even a threat to the safety of life. And the statistics, it is a daily average of about 80% of the time spent indoors. With more modern lifestyle, more work and cultural and sports activities in the room, people in the indoor activity time even up to 93%. So for this type of building shopping malls business chamber must have good air handling systems. For pollutants processing needs, fresh air must be adequate, modern air-conditioned building design relationships do people's health. Processing chamber air temperature, humidity, cleanliness and air flow velocity technique. Some places can get a certain temperature and a humidity of the air, in order to meet the requirements of users and the production process and improving labor hygiene and indoor climatic conditions, so as to ensure The design of the commercial complex has three commercial business hall, five business room and underground garage. Height 43.2 m, with a total construction area of about 31,816 square meters, the mall is more suitable to use the whole air system, fan coil plus shopping malls with independent air system.people's health.
1工程概况 1
1.2 设计依据 1
1.2.1 设计目的 2
1.2.2设计任务及要求 2
1.2.4 设计规范与标准 3
2、空调负荷计算 3
2.1.1 室内空气设计参数 4
2.1.2 空调室外空气计算参数 4
2.2 空调新风量的确定 5
2.3 空调冷负荷计算 6
2.3.1 外墙传热冷负荷 7
2.3.2 透过玻璃窗和玻璃门,玻璃墙日射得热。 8
2.3.3 人体散热形成的冷负荷 9
2.3.4 空调夏季新风负荷计算 9
2.4 湿负荷计算 9
2.4.1 人体散湿量 10
2.4.2 敞开水表面散湿量 10 深圳市某商业综合楼空调工程设计:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_72748.html