摘要: 随着全球经济一体化进程的加剧,消费者的需求多样化趋势日益明显,文化差异要素在国际营销中显现出越来越重要的地位。因此,如何克服文化差异带来的影响,已经成为国际营销成败中的关键因素。文化差异对国际营销活动的影响体现在许多方面。 企业要在国际市场上立足必须考虑到文化差异会带来的方方面面的因素,进行文化融合与自主创新,根据当地文化差异程度以及企业自身情况选择适当的营销策略。本毕业论文中结合专业课里所学的知识,从语言、价值观、宗教、风俗习惯、价值观、政治哲学、社会结构和教育等方面对中西方的文化差异进行具体的分析和比较(涉及到一些典型的其他国家的文化与中方的对比, 例如美国和日本) ,阐述其对国际营销的影响,并给出意见和建议。20009
Research of the cultural differences effects on
international business
Abstract :With the intensification of global economic integration
process, persification of consumer demand being increasingly apparent,
elements of cultural differences show an increasingly important role in
international business. Therefore, how to overcome the effect caused by
cultural differences has been the key in the success and failure. The
impact of cultural differences on international business activities is
reflected in many ways. Enterprises should be based on factors must be
taken into account in all aspects of cultural differences will bring, cultural
integration and innovation in the international market, selecting the
appropriate marketing strategies based on the degree of cultural
differences as well as their own local circumstances. Specialized in combining knowledge learned, I will in the text in terms of language,
values, religion, customs, values, political philosophy, social structure,
and education in the Western cultural differences specific analysis and
comparison of several (typically involving the contrast with the Chinese
culture in other countries, such as U.S. and Japan), explaining its impact
on international marketing, and give some comments and suggestions.
Key Words: Cultural differences; international business; cross-cultural;
cultural fusion;
一、国际营销. 7
(三)国际营销的全球环境. 8
二、文化差异.. 10
1.语言的差异 12
5.宗教的差异 16
8.教育的差异 17
三、文化差异对国际营销的影响. 17
3.产品原产地所带来的影响.. 18
四、对国际贸易中文化差异的建议.. 20
(一)国际贸易中文化互补的重要意义 20
(二)文化互补的效益分析.. 21
(三)建立国际性文化交流.. 21
1.对员工进行培训. 21
2.建立跨文化交融机制.22 中外文化差异对国际营销的影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_11626.html