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时间:2018-05-08 22:24来源:毕业论文

Risk analysis of enterprise staff recruitment
Abstract: With the continuous development of science,competition among enterprises has become increasingly fierce,the position of human resources in the enterprise to occupy all the work has also been referred to an unprecedented height. Recruitment has become a top priority of enterprises to obtain talent. But in the recruitment work, due to many factors, will produce a variety of risks when recruiting talent. They not only affect the normal corporate human resources work, and sometimes affects the strategies to achieve the enterprise, so how to prevent and avoid the risk of the occurrence of staff recruitment, received more attention in the enterprise, the paper focuses on companies in staff recruitment risks that may arise in a comprehensive analysis of the risks from the definition of recruiting, citing the risk types and forms of recruitment, a detailed analysis of the causes of the risks arising from the recruitment and hiring gives the risk prevention and resolution measures for enterprises reduce unnecessary cost of human resources development in the future.
Key   Words: Rrecruitment ; Risk ; Prevention awareness
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract:    1
一、企业员工招聘风险的概念及研究意义    2
(一)企业员工招聘风险的概念    2
(二)研究企业招聘风险的意义    3
二、企业员工招聘风险的表现形式    3
(一)招聘成本的回报风险    3
(二)招聘渠道的选取风险    4
(三)人才招聘的道德风险    4
(四)人才判别的测评风险    4
(五)员工招聘的法律风险    5
三、招聘风险产生的原因    6
(一)企业缺乏招聘风险防范意识    6
(二)企业没有科学合理的招聘制度    6
(三)企业的招聘方式比较单一    6
(四)企业招聘人员素质不高    7
(五)企业法律知识欠缺    7
(751)其他外部原因    7
四、企业员工招聘的风险防范对策    8
(一)增强风险防范意识    8
(二)建立科学合理的招聘制度    8
(三)采用多种招聘方式    9
(四)加强招聘人员素质    9
(五)善用法律武器    10
(751)强化外部合作    10
参考文献    12
致谢    13
美国的石油大王安德鲁•卡内基有句名言:“如果把我的厂房机器、材料全部毁掉,只有能保住我的原有人马,用不了多久,我仍然会成为一个石油大王。”从这句名言中很明显能够看出,一个企业拥有竞争性的人才是多么重要。如果想要获得这样的人才,招聘是不能缺少的环节。人力资源工作的第一步就是招聘,招聘是企业对人力资源的信息收集、筛选和录取的过程,也是人力资源管理的基础也对人力资源管理的后续工作起到了铺垫的作用。然而在当今的社会环境中招聘也不是一帆风顺的,企业员工的招聘也存在风险,如果现在的企业不想在招聘风险中受到损失,就必须采取有效的防范和预防措施,提前预测和规避招聘风险的发生。只有这样,才能更好的减少企业招聘成本的损失,才能更有效的开展人力资源工作,也能提高人力资源工作的效率,发挥人力资源在企业中应有的作用,有利于企业培养人才,留住人才,更有利于企业组织目标的实现。 企业员工招聘的风险分析+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_15220.html