毕业论文关键词: 社会性老化、社会支援系统、老年群体权益侵害
Community endowment to study the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly
Shanghai NanLu building elderly as an example
Abstract:With the Shanghai into an aging society, the elderly endowment problem increasingly prominent, affected by traditional culture, especially the influence of Confucian culture deeply rooted in China, respect for the elderly to respect the good tradition in our country have been circulating for a long time. People as the growth of the age, the body of the various functions of weakness in the face of the progress of society and rapid economic development, the elderly have been hard to catch up with the fast pace of the era of development, many of their rights and interests of both material and spiritual above are easy to damage and the infringement, so should pay attention to the protection of them. Especially in recent years for the rights and interests of the elderly violations gradually on the rise. The increase of the elderly with age, physical aging, psychology, social aging, aging as social workers should reasonable use of social support system to protect the rights and interests of the elderly.
Key words: social aging, social support system, rights and interests of the elderly
1、 社区养老老年群体去权益侵害问题在人口老龄化大背景下发生1
2、 对老年群体权益的保护是十分必要1
1、 理论意义3
2、 现实意义3
1、 生存权5
2、 婚姻自主权5
3、 财产权5
1、 社会支援系统6
2、 社区照顾6
3、 马斯洛的需求层次理论6
1、 物质支援15
2、 情绪、精神支援16
3、 社区服务支援17
4、 新的社会援助18
(一) 研究背景
1 、社区养老老年群体去权益保护问题在人口老龄化大背景下发生
截至2014年底,我国60岁以上老年人口已经达到2.12亿,占总人口的15.5%。“我国目前正处于人口老龄化快速发展期,老龄问题已经成为关系国计民生和国家长治久安的重大战略性问题。当前和今后一个时期,中国人口老龄化发展将呈现出老年人口增长快,规模大;高龄、失能老人增长快,社会负担重;农村老龄问题突出;老年人家庭空巢化、独居化加速;未富先老矛盾凸显五个特点。” 老龄化人口基数的增加,导致侵害老年群体权益事件的上升是不可避免的,特别是城市中社区养老的老年群体,家庭空巢化、独居化所带来的问题日益凸显。 社区养老老年群体权益保护问题的研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_22393.html