A Study on the Integrated Protection of Historical and Cultural Villages in Jiangsu Province
——A Case of Ming Yue Wang Village
Abstract:Historical and cultural village is the carrier of traditional culture,folk customs and architecture in all parts of a country.The historical and cultural village contains a rich type of historical and cultural heritage.The protection of historical and cultural village is of great significance. Integrated protection is one of the most important principles of the protection of historical and cultural villages. However, the current research and practice about the integrated protection of historical and cultural villages are few. The current situation of the integrated protection of historical and cultural villages is not very ideal. This paper analyzes the protection of historical and cultural villages in Jiangsu from the perspective of integrated protection. Taking Ming Yue Wang village as an example and according to the results of the research on the village of Ming Yue Wang village, this paper makes a concrete analysis on the condition and problems about the protection of historical and cultural villages in Jiangsu province, and make several suggestions on the integrated protection of historical and cultural villages in Jiangsu province.
Key words: Historical and cultural village;Integrated protection;Jiangsu province;Ming Yue Wang village
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
一、 历史文化名村整体保护的界定 2
(一)历史文化名村相关概念 2
1.历史文化名村 2
2.古村落与历史文化名村 2
3.传统村落与历史文化名村 2
(二)历史文化名村的整体保护 3
二、江苏历史文化名村保护现状 3
(一)江苏历史文化名村保护概况 3
(二)原貌保存状况较好 4
(三)建筑群规模较大 4
(四)各具特色,历史价值突出 5
(五)整体保护状况欠佳 5
三、从整体保护的角度看江苏历史文化名村保护现存问题 5
(一)整体保护意识不足 6
1.整体保护意识淡薄 6
2.村民保护意识不足 6
(二)整体保护依据缺乏 6
1.研究不足,理论依据缺乏 6
2.规划不到位 6
(三)整体保护体系不完善 7
(四)保护主体结构不完整 7
四、江苏历史文化名村整体保护建议 7
(一)强化整体保护意识 7
(二)建立整体保护依据 8
1.建立整体保护的理论依据 8
2.编制完善的保护规划 8
(三)完善整体保护体系 8 江苏历史文化名村整体保护研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_25159.html