毕业论文关键词:有机农产品 体验式营销 消费者偏好 数据分析
Research of Organic agricultural products’ Experience marketing
Abstract:In recent years,Food safety incident frequently broke out in our country,in order to look for healthy and safe food for myself and our family,so organic agricultural products are increasingly pursued by people.Our country of organic agricultural products industry is vigorously developing,but it faces some problems in industrial management and marketing.Under this premise,this article makes research of experience marketing pattern.As an example of strawberry picking garden,experience marketing is researched for its advantages and it has some reference for organic agricultural products industry and marketing pattern.This article in combination with document research and analysis of data makes some correlation analysis about which make influence for consumer of the recognition of experience marketing
from personality characteristics,price and consumer’s preference three aspects.By these analysis and summary,we can give some advice for management of organic agricultural products industry and marketing pattern.
Key words:Organic agricultural products ;Experience marketing ;Consumer’s preference;Analysis of data
目 录
摘要 3
关键词 3
Abstract 4
Key words 4
一、引言 4
二、文献综述和理论研究 5
(一)体验式营销理论与解析 5
(二)案例分析 5
1、体验式特色生鲜有机农产品营销模式——“山水食客” 5
2、消费者对CSA模式的偏好 6
(三)有机农产品体验式营销影响因素 6
三、数据来源、分析及主要变量的描述 7
(一)数据来源 7
(二)影响消费者对有机草莓体验式营销活动认可度的相关因素分析 7
1、消费者的个性特征 7
2、价格定位 8
3、消费者偏好及满意度 9
(1)交通因素 9
(2)影响消费者偏好的其他因素 10
(3)消费者参与目的 10
(4)消费者对有机农产品(草莓)体验式营销满意度评价 11
四、实证结果和相关措施 12
1、选址要求 12
2、营销宣传模式 12
3、企业生产方式 12
五、讨论与总结 13
致谢 13
参考文献 13
近年来,随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们日益追求更健康的生活方式,绿色健康的消费理念日益流行。有机农产品市场逐步发展壮大,有机农产品产业蓬勃发展,成为我国农业新兴产业之一。但随其不断发展,有机农产品产业出现了一些新的问题,原有的经营和营销模式固化,不再适应新的市场环境,有机农产品产业面临改革。在此前提下,随体验经济时代的到来,体验式营销模式成为有机农产品产业改革发展的方向之一,并日益为大众所接受。 有机农产品草莓体验式营销探索:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_30114.html