毕业论文关键词:地铁物流; 运营与改造; 效益分析
An analysis of the benefit of Metro Logistics
Abstract: Since the city expanded to the periphery, the city becomes more and more big, and the situation of the city traffic jam is still not relieved, the difficulty of city distribution is increasing and the cost is rising. With the development of rail transportation in China, some scholars have proposed the idea of establishing subway logistics in the long term This paper uses the method of literature and investigation to enumerate the many benefits of the subway logistics, and also puts forward some basic measures to improve the logistics of the subway The author of this paper is to appeal to the majority of scholars to pay attention to the subway logistics and through the dialectical, and continuously optimize the subway logistics bill, so as to bring many benefits of the subway logistics.
Keywords: Metro Logistics; operation and reconstruction; analysis of the benefit;
目 录
二、地铁物流理论基础 . .5
(一)地铁物流的概念 . . 5
(二)地铁物流的产生 . . 6
(二)地铁物流的发展前景. . .7
三、地铁物流的效益. . .7
(一)地铁物流的经济效益 . 7
(二)地铁物流的社会效益. . 9
(三)地铁物流的文化效益 . .11
四、地铁物流的实施过程. . 12
(一)地铁物流运营时段和客流量分析 . 12
(二)研究客户的基本情况和分布. 12
(三)配送物品的分类 . .13
(四)仓库至配送点的运送时间安排. .13
(五)配送点设置和人员管理. . 14
五、结论. 14
参考文献 . . . 17
从06年到11年,北京机动车净增长226万辆,机动车数目的高速增长和高强度使用给北京交通带来了巨大的压力。[1]到如今,市区的交通压力更进一步!对此,我摘取了做好的一份调查报告。下面是一份我截取了整理好的调查报告的一部分与大家分享一下。 地铁物流的效益探析+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_31137.html