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时间:2019-04-16 21:52来源:毕业论文

The Construction of Urban Community Organizations Research--As an Example of X Neighborhood Community in Shanghai
Abstract:In recent years, with the speeding up of urbanization, the construction of the residents' committees have failed to keep pace with the footsteps of time development, so the residents' committees of the reform is imminent.This paper analyzes the problems existing in the construction of residents' committees:On the function transformation is not in place.Operate almost dominated.Management system is a tendency to administrative bureaucratization. Personnel system is not reasonable. Duty function extends increasingly.Operating funds lack of security.Residents' committees to carry out the work order make a mistake.Autonomous function to weaken and so on. At the same time, the author analyzes the reasons of problems, and put forward reform proposals.Make sure community residents' autonomy development direction; Transform the government function. To transform the way of grass-roots government to residents' committees to make recommendations for the residents' committees leading position. Perfect financial system. to provide legal funds safeguard. Community residents to participate in awareness. Strengthen the initiative of residents' autonomy.
Keywords: Residents' committees, administerization , autonomous
目  录
一、 研究背景    1
二、 文献综述与本文观点    2
(一) 文献综述    2
(二) 本文观点    2
三、 理论架构和研究方法    3
    (一) 理论    3
    (二) 研究方法    3
1、 定性研究方法    3
2、 资料分析方法    3
四、 社区基层组织的概况    4
   (一)城市社区基层组织的基本情况    4
1、 开展民主自治建设    4
2、办理公共事务和公益事业    4
3、加强精神文明建设    4
   (二)与其他组织的关系    4
1、与社区党组织的关系    4
2、与政府的关系    4
3、与社区事务受理服务中心的关系    4
4、与业主委会的关系    4
5、与物业公司的关系    4
6、与综治办、拆违办、动迁办等政府组成部门的关系    4
五、 城市社区基层组织建设的实证分析    6
    (一)上海市某居委会现状概述    6
(二)居委会建设中的问题    6
1、在职能上转变不到位    8
2、运作方式几乎完全行政化    8
3、自治功能弱化    9
751、 社区基层组织建设中出现问题的成因    9 上海城市社区基层组织建设浅析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_32204.html