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时间:2019-08-18 20:11来源:毕业论文

The Research Progress of Changes and Evaluation in Taizhou
Abstract:Today, with the rapid development of the cities in China, land resource management attracts more and more attention from researchers. The rational use of land resources and structural changes also become important issues for the sustainable development of the city, therefore sparking widespread interests of native researchers. As an important factor of production, land resource researches and related studies both could be traced back with a long history. Meanwhile, the accelerating process of urbanization also makes the urban land use study become one of the most important directions to be focused on. The concept of land use is multi-faceted and multi-leveled. In order to know about the features and defects in the land utilization, this article studies the structural dements, the evolution and the current situation of the urban land utilization in Taizhou. Meanwhile, this article arrives at the pros and cons of the development of the land use structure by analyzing and evaluating the land use structures in Taizhou with the index system and consulting local residents about their view pionts. It also outlines some methods of development, which is worth using for reference by other similar cities. Finally, we propose directions for future research and suggest that the scientific and rational land use structure adjustment and transformation will be a major research forefront in land-use studies.
Key words: Land use; Structure optimization of land use; Index system
目  录
摘要    2
关键词    2
Abstract.    2
Key words    2
引言    2
一、国内外研究成果综述    2
(一) 研究成果    2
(二) 研究尺度    3
1. 国家尺度    3
2. 省级尺度    3
3. 市级尺度    4
(三)指标体系    4
二、泰州市城市土地利用结构发展现状    4
(一) 研究区域概况与土地利用特点    4
(二) 研究区域近年土地结构变化    6
(三) 以海陵区、高港区为例的土地利用结构变化与现状    7
(四) 区域研究方法    7
三、 策略建议及借鉴意义    11
致谢    11
参考文献    11
本文旨在针对泰州市土地利用结构构成的动态变化进行研究,同时借助层次分析法进行分析。通过泰州市的个例研究,挖掘其土地利用结构构成中的有效信息,提取出快速发展的中小城市间的发展共性、其发展的薄弱之处,发展时存在的问题,对土地利用的成功与失败之处,从而总结经验和教训,得出城市土地利用的一些实践性的新结论。 泰州市土地利用结构动态变化与评价:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_37893.html