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时间:2019-12-30 21:07来源:毕业论文



The Research of The Impact of Consumption to Zhoukou Normal University Installments

Abstract: Consumption by installments represents a consumption pattern which called premature consumption , with the certificate to installments concept, major installment payment platform has developmented rapidly, within a few years, installment payment platform has grown to more than 30 companies, covering the major colleges and universities across the country. Since installment payment platform settled in Zhoukou Normal University ,it has been

developed rapidly, installments concept and the operation mode of Consumption by installments had been well known to Zhoukou Normal University students. Many students in the Zhoukou Normal University choose consumption by installments to get new goods in advance in the case of their source of funds is limited. With the increase of installment consumer groups, it has an affect on the consumption environment as well as buying behavior of the Zhoukou Normal University students. The article collected through disposable cash of Zhoukou Normal University students、the number of students who installmented、factors affecting consumption, through the survey, I made a brief analysis of the reason Zhoukou Normal University students willing or not willing to installment, and the problems in the process of consumption by installments, then brought forward some measures for the existing problems, guide Zhoukou Normal University students to deep understanding and rational use of consumption by installments.

Key words: Consumption by installments; Zhoukou Normal University students; Rational consumption

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、 分期消费与购买行为的内涵以及分期消费的发展现状 2

(一)分期消费的内涵 2

(二)消费者购买行为的内涵 2

(三)分期消费的发展现状 3

二、周师学生分期消费现状调查 3

(一)样本情况 3

(二)调查结果分析 4

三、周师学生在使用分期消费过程中存在的问题 9

(一)资金来源有限,还款能力较弱,容易产生违约行为 9

(二)对于分期消费了解片面,陷入高额服务费的风险 10

(三)使用分期消费分期购买商品容易助长周师学生之间的攀比之风 大学生分期消费过程中存在问题的原因分析及建议:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_44308.html
