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时间:2021-06-06 22:55来源:毕业论文



毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Combined with our problems in citizen participation  ----thinking the significance of opening Nanjing municipal service hotline 


Public participation as a social activity, along with the trend of the times, has evolved into a means of democracy, is a measure of an indicator of the degree of development of democratic politics, but also to promote social development, maintaining social stability in an effective way. So if we want to use it more appropriately in modern society, we need to research and analysis carefully. After the re-organization of the economy market, the social sphere, and the deepening of the political reform and development, China's current economic and social environment do great changes, especially the explosion of information, mode of transmission and propagation velocity of information has also undergone a huge change . Whether it is public or official behavior than in the past have very different Chinese public participation takes on a new development trend. By parsing the citizens by the Nanjing municipal service hotline 12345 involvement and impact on all aspects of economic, social, political, and cultural activities, explore the problems of citizen participation from point to surface and then combined with the Nanjing municipal service hotline think its countermeasures .

Key words: Public participation, Channels for participation, Municipal Services ,Transition, Social progress

目   次

1  引言 1

2  公民参与的起源、相关理论背景及概念界定 1

2.1  公民参与的起源 2

2.2  公民参与的理论背景 3

2.2. 1代议制民主和强势民主理论 3

2.2. 2公共管理理论 3

2.3  公民参与的概念和必要性 4

2.3.1  公民参与的概念 4

2.3.2  公民参与的要素 4

2.3.3  公民参与的必要性 5

3  南京市政服务热线概况 6

3.1  南京市政服务热线简介 6

3.1.1  市政服务热线的起源及背景 6

3.1.2  市政服务热线的目标 6

3.2  南京市政热线运作机制 8

3.2.1  南京市政服务热线工作流程 我国公民参与中存在的问题与对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_76407.html
