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时间:2019-12-30 21:10来源:毕业论文



 SWOT Analysis and Strategy Research of WeChat Marketing

Abstract:In the media fusion, under the background of the progress of science and technology and information technology, wechat with the rich and powerful function to win the favor of many users, since 2011 January 21, officially launched by the end of 2013, the user breaks through the 6 billion, become the important personal social app, at the same time some people also playing the wechat business idea, using wechat platform hype, marketing, to circle of friends for the target we-chat marketing has gradually become the electronic commerce marketing a new marketing mode. Due to the we-chat marketing is still in the period of rapid growth, wechat marketing has a broad market prospects and development potential, at the same time, there are also the threat of industry weaknesses and the external environment, this paper focuses on the from function of wechat and we-chat characteristics of marketing to explore based on the SWOT analysis of wechat marketing circle of friends of the advantage, weakness, opportunity and threat, so as to probe the wechat marketing strategies and suggestions, so that enterprises in the wechat marketing reference.

Key words: SWOT Analysis; WeChat Marketing;Marketing Strategy

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、微信营销相关概念 2

(一)微信营销的定义和营销模式 2

(二)微信营销的特点 3

二、微信营销发展现状 4

(一)微信营销的发展背景 4

(二)微信的用户数量及应用状况 4

三、微信营销的SWOT分析 5

(一)微信营销的优势(strength) 5

(二)微信营销的劣势(weakness) 6

(三)微信营销的机会(opportunity) 7

(四)微信营销的威胁(threat) 8

四、 基于SWOT分析的微信营销对策 9

(一)细分市场进行精准营销 9

(二)推送内容差异化,合理把握推送时间 9

(三)增加企业和粉丝之间的互动 10

(四)提升微信营销的安全性 11

参考文献 13

致谢 14 


2013年8月微信更新的5.0版本新增订阅号和服务号,添加了扫描二维码、街景、条码、封面等功能,支持微信支付,这赋予了微信极大的商业价值。随着智能手机的普及和微信功能的不断完善,基于庞大的QQ用户群和手机通讯录的微信用户也在与日俱增。微信营销凭借微信用户基数庞大,微信使用方便快捷、门槛低,功能社交化娱乐化,朋友圈浏览度高,浏览时段集中的自身优势,使得越来越多的人通过朋友圈推广和销售商品,使微信营销成为一种新兴的网络营销方式[1]。一些微信用户在扮演商家的同时也在扮演顾客,他们通过扫描二维码、漂流瓶、附近的人、手机通讯录和QQ好友添加微信粉丝,增加关注量,开设微信商城,进行微信购物、微信支付或者增加品牌的曝光度,微信营销正在逐渐影响人们的消费方式,成为网络销售的主流力量。 微信营销的SWOT分析及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_44310.html
