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时间:2020-02-21 19:40来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:沪港通; 市场机制运作; 未来发展新动向
Abstract Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program refers to the Shanghai Stock Exchange (referred to as "the Shanghai Stock Exchange") and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK") to establish technical connections so the two local investors through the sale of the securities company or broker within the provisions of the other exchange-listed stocks.With the gradual opening of the domestic capital market, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong exchanges of capital markets as possible. Then the Shanghai and Hong Kong through the birth, is the inevitable product of historical progress, which produces promote the further opening of domestic capital, making China's capital market is gradually with the world.In Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program the market mechanism in the process of in-depth study of literature study, to obtain information through the Hong Kong and Shanghai to find relevant documents through the market mechanism, in order to fully and correctly understand the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program the market mechanism and the related research and development .In order to properly grasp how Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program the market mechanism works, Shanghai and Hong Kong through transaction data by collecting and graphed, so that people on the operation of the market mechanism through Hong Kong and Shanghai have a better, more accurate understanding in order to reveal more scientific laws, to grasp the essence, clarify the relationship, to predict future trends.In analyzing the impact of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program, using comparative analysis, by comparing differences in the A-share market in terms of market mechanisms to predict changes in the future direction of China's stock market, investors are more reasonable guide for capital investment.
Key Words:Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program;Operation
 目    录
摘    要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
一、绪论 1
㈠研究背景 1
二、沪港通的市场机制 3
㈠沪港通的交易规则及其特点 3
㈡港股与A股市场的差异 5
㈢沪港通的特点 5
㈣比较沪港通与其他引资方式的不同 6
㈤沪港通带来的影响 7
三、未来沪港通的发展方向 10
㈠沪港通对股票价格的影响及未来股价的 10
㈡ A股市场机制未来的发展方向 10 沪港通的市场机制研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_46562.html