毕业论文关键词:汽车; 金融服务公司; 发展
Along with The Times are changing, people's consumption idea in the unceasing change. From the original cash consumption gradually to the transfer of a financial product consumption. The automobile consumption is accounted for in the whole piece of consumption, so people have to attach importance to the automotive finance the strange industry. In the auto financing company, management methods and detailed rules for the implementation after the formal promulgation, three international auto manufacturing giant gm, ford, Volkswagen was the first to set up wholly owned or joint venture in China auto financing companies, automobile consumption credit business in our country. As auto manufacturing in guangdong province, how to absorb the advantages of foreign automobile financial company advantage to build our own auto finance industry, has become one of the theme of our future research. Is according to own understanding, the paper puts forward a little advice.
Key words: Car;Financial Services;Development
目 录
摘 要Ⅰ
一、研究的背景和意义 .1
㈠ 研究背景 1
㈠ 研究意义 1
㈢ 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 2
㈣ 广东汽车金融业的现状分析 3
二、汽车金融业的行业特点分析 5
㈠ 市场潜力大 5
㈡ 国家政策支持 5
㈢ 区位优势明显 6
三、未来发展趋势 6
㈠ 国内整体趋势 6
㈡ 国外发展趋势 8
四、对策与建议 9
㈠ 尽快组建本地的汽车金触公司 9
㈡ 取消融资限制, 培育再融资市场 9
㈢ 健全个人征信体系 10
㈣ 加强商业银行与汽车金融公司的业务合作 10
结 论10
致 谢13
㈠ 研究背景
广东省这个处于在现代化和工业化发展后期的地区,近5年来产业结构向技术导向行业逐步倾斜,高新技术产业、家用电器、房地产,已及生物工程、新能源行业逐渐替代原有的以轻纺织业和重工业等资金密集型产业为主的产业结构。在这份研究中,我们重点关注汽车产业链中日趋活跃的汽车金融服务。汽车金融服务在中国金融服务市场中,尚且处于只具备雏形的阶段。极高的市场需求迫于不健全的金融体制,和不完善的金融市场法规,传统的金融机构鲜少涉足汽车金融服务。在各大银行中,现有的针对个人的汽车类金融产品,尚且止步于传统的个人汽车贷款,和汽车储蓄业务。 广东汽车金融发展及对策分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_46791.html