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时间:2020-03-22 20:38来源:毕业论文



The Fundamental Research of the Building of the Performance System Theory Based on the Balanced Scorecard in Public Institution

-----Illustrated by a Public Institution in Suzhou


At present, the Balanced Scorecard, as the performance management tool, gets more and more attention from the senior managers in modern enterprises. These managers targets at applying the balanced scorecard to improve organizational performance and promote scientific and rationalization of institutions management. During the fierce competition, the unclear strategic location and inflexible management mechanism bring great impact on the healthy development of institutions public welfare. Overview of the Balanced Scorecard  of development trends and difficulty of the scholars is conducive to a better understanding of the Balanced Scorecard. These theoretical studies can contribute to the performance management plan for the Suzhou Special Inspection Institute, the successful completion of performance run with the performance of the implementation, application and implementation of the Balanced Scorecard in the future institutions to provide a theoretical basis

Keywords: Balanced Scorecard;Performance management; Institutions; Management by objectives

目  录

0引言 1

1国内外学者对平衡计分卡研究的相关理论综述 1

1.1平衡计分卡的定义 1

1.2国外学者对平衡计分卡研究的相关理论综述 2

1.3国内学者对平衡计分卡研究的相关理论综述 3

2平衡计分卡理论研究的发展趋势 8

2. 1平衡计分卡与组织实际情况相结合 8

2. 2平衡计分卡与目标管理相结合 9

2.3平衡计分卡与组织的各项激励制度相结合 10

2.4平衡计分卡与战略KPI考核相结合 10

3平衡计分卡理论研究对本课题研究的作用 11

3.1平衡计分卡理论研究有助于促进绩效管理计划体系构建的顺利实施 12

3.2平衡计分卡的理论研究有助于完善绩效管理系统的运作体系 14

3.3平衡计分卡的理论研究有助于提高组织绩效管理体系实施的效果 14

结     论 15

致     谢 16

参考文献 17 



改革开放之前,事业单位的绩效管理体系与企业的绩效管理体系并没有很大的差别,但随着中国加入WTO以后,我国经济的快速发展使国内企业在绩效管理制度方面不断变革,促使事业单位的绩效体系与企业绩效管理体系的差距逐步拉大。由于我国事业单位具有公益性、服务性、活动的非营利性等特征,从而导致了其工作性质和工作内容难以量化,绩效考核/评估工作开展较困难,容易出现虚假绩效,甚至伪造绩效等现象。再加上部分事业单位功能定位模糊、政事不分、事企不分,机制不灵活等问题,影响了事业单位的健康发展[1],通过此现状可以看出加快事业单位的绩效体系改革,是一项迫切且具有战略意义的任务。如美国哈佛商学院的会计学教授罗伯特.卡普兰(Robert S. Kaplan)说的一样“价值并不存在于任何孤立的无形资产中,而产生于创造与战略相挂钩的整套资产的过程中。价值创造的过程是乘法渐进而不是加法渐进的。”因此,为了让我国事业单位的绩效体制改革得到贯彻与实施,就要使组织的战略与绩效管理体系相结合。 平衡计分卡的事业单位绩效体系构建的理论基础研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_48682.html
