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时间:2020-04-12 13:04来源:毕业论文


Abstract:After the advent of the Internet era, social media began in-depth affect people's daily lives, to microblogging as the main representative of the new media platforms began to intervene in the traditional media-dominated era. Lots of enterprises invariably saw this new market, have entered microblogging marketing, the result is that there are good and bad, for many reasons, such as the micro-blog market itself malpractice, corporate marketing tactics, microblogging acceptability audience. Exploring corporate marketing behavior, found traces of the use of wave theory, this paper aims to find the Brand Voice theory and microblogging marketing meeting point between the two, by studying the microblogging market existing problems, analyze the Brand Voice theory of marketing law and marketing practices the impact of providing the appropriate strategy for corporate marketing staff. 

毕业论文关键词:微博营销; 声浪理论; 社会化媒体

Keyword: Microblogging Marketing; Brand Voice; Social Media

目    录

1引言 3

1.1选题背景及意义 3

1.2研究内容 3

2文献综述 3

2.1微博营销策略研究的相关文献 3

2.1.1微博营销的定义 3

2.1.2企业微博营销的现状研究 4

2.1.3国外有关微博营销的相关研究 4

2.2声浪理论研究的相关文献 4

2.2.1声浪理论的定义 4

2.2.2声浪理论的特点研究 5

2.2.3声浪理论对企业与品牌的意义 5

3企业微博营销现状问题分析 6

3.1 企业微博营销的现状研究 6

3.1.1微博市场处于飞速发展阶段 6

3.1.2微博营销的影响具有双面性 7

3.2企业微博营销现存问题分析 7

3.2.1企业微博营销尚未进入盈利模式 7

3.2.2企业客户关系管理不当使营销效力随时间衰减 8

3.2.3企业微博营销策略具有业余性与随意性 8

3.2.4企业微博营销中出现虚假信息发布 8

4企业官方微博的声浪建设——以立白“我是歌手”为例 9

4.1官方微博定位与聚焦目标受众 9

4.2发布优质微博内容 9

4.3解决网络危机 10

4.4结论 10 声浪理论的企业微博营销策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_49831.html
