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时间:2020-04-12 14:39来源:毕业论文


   With the intensification of China's aging population, maintenance is not only economic support for older persons, older people's spiritual needs are more urgent.Address the spiritual needs of some of the existing elderly study focuses on institutional elderly people and empty-nesters, however they may overlap partially, that city retirees were not enough attention from the academic community.Paper will research focus put in city retired elderly spirit needs problem shàng, will spirit needs problem for operation of, and to this for according to developed questionnaire, research obtained city retired elderly of spirit satisfaction degrees lower, further analysis pointed out that existing of alone sense strongly, and activities frequency low, and children enough attention spirit maintenance, and community support enough, problem, from health status, and live situation, and children support, and activities frequency, effects spirit needs achieved of factors for has analysis;Proposed by the Government, communities and other organizations can provide formal support and the informal support of the family, neighbors, friends, truly old-age services by physical endowment to endowment and spiritual comfort of change.

 毕业论文关键词: 人口老龄化; 城市退休老人; 精神需求;养老服务

  Keyword: population aging; city retirees; spiritual needs; pension services

目    录

一、城市退休老人研究意义以及相关概念 4

(一)时代背景以及研究城市退休老人精神需求问题的意义 4

(二)概念界定 5

二、城市退休老人精神需求现状 5

(一)归属和爱的需求 7

(二)尊重的需求 8

(三)自我实现需求 8

(四)问卷调查结论 9

三、 退休老人精神需求实现的影响因素 10

(一)健康状况 10

(二)居住情况 11

(三)与子女沟通交流频率 11

(四)活动频率 11

四、不断满足退休老人精神需求的对策与建议 12

(一)正式社会支持 12

(二)非正式社会支持 14

五、总结 15


  (一)时代背景以及研究城市退休老人精神需求问题的意义 城市退休老人精神需求问题及应对策略:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_49843.html
