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时间:2020-04-12 14:47来源:毕业论文


Abstract:Human resource is the most precious resources of enterprise. It is the first resource of the enterprise, and it will play a key role in the development of the enterprise.Human resource management is the essential purpose of attracting and selecting excellent human resources, arouse their working enthusiasm, develop their potential, and can let them stay in business, service for the enterprise.With the innovation of management, idea and the concept of people-oriented, human resources management ability to become an important index of enterprise comprehensive strength.The quality and level of human resource management is to determine the completion of the goal of enterprise management, is one of the important responsibilities of the enterprise management.The advent of electronic commerce, the traditional enterprises have serious impact on human resource management.Enterprises in the correct view on the impact of e-commerce on enterprise human resource management, on the basis of only take feasible measures to further to ensure that the enterprise internal efficiency and long-term development.In this paper, it combined with the electronic commerce environment, to explore traditional enterprise human resources management transformation.


Keyword: E-Commercestrategy;Traditional Enterprise; Human Resource Management innovation  


1. 引言 4

1.1 研究背景及意义 4

1.2 研究内容 4

1.3 本文创新点 5

2. 文献综述 5

2.1 传统企业电子商务转型对人力资源管理的影响 5

2.2 传统企业电子商务转型和人力资源管理变革 5

3. 电子商务战略下人力资源管理变革的必然性 7

3.1 传统企业人力资源管理与电子商务战略下人力资源管理的共性 7

3.2 电子商务战略对传统企业人力资源管理的要求 7

3.3 电子商务环境下的人力资源变革的促进因素 8

3.4 企业在实施人力资源管理变革后的收益 12

4. 电子商务战略下人力资源管理变革的案例分析——以海尔集团为例 电子商务战略的传统企业人力资源管理变革研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_49845.html
