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时间:2020-05-07 21:23来源:毕业论文



The camel shoe brand competition strategy research

Abstract:For any enterprise, the brand is the keycompetitive power sourse. The camel industry is the small and medium-sized shoes clothing enterprises in Henan, however,it has not obstained the proper result during several decades development for its own brand competition.

This thesis discusses for the camel shoe brand construction and makes an analysis of the existing problems in its brand construction. Moreover, this paper puts forward some relevant measures and suggestions in order to prompt the camel shoe brand competitiveness as follows:

The enterprise should realize and attach great importance to the brand construction; deepen the enterprise brand construction and throughout it to the enterprise development; accurately grasp the market positioning of the brand; rich brand promotion mode; improve the protection of the brand consciousness and cultivate professional talents for brand competition, which provide the reference for other small and mediun-sized private enterprises of Henan region for their brand construction as the same time. 

Key Words:Brand construction; Marketing model; Market positioning

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、企业品牌竞争概述 2

(一)品牌竞争的概念及内容 2

(二)品牌竞争对企业发展的重要意义 3

二、骆驼鞋业品牌竞争的现状 3

(一)骆驼鞋业简介 3

(二)骆驼鞋业的品牌竞争现状 4

三、骆驼鞋业的品牌竞争策略研究 5

(一)骆驼鞋业的品牌竞争策略 6

(二)骆驼鞋业品牌竞争存在的问题 7

四、提升骆驼鞋业品牌竞争力的建议 9

(一)提升品牌附加值 10

(二)深化品牌发展 10

(三)品牌建设要持之以恒 10

(四)强化品牌宣传 11

(五)准确把握品牌的市场定位 11

结论 12

参考文献 12

致谢 13


河南省民营企业数量众多,在当下是国际化的经济时代,河南的民营企业在经历了一时期的的辉煌后,也面临着继续发展提升的紧迫问题。如何提升企业的行业优势,提升企业产品的附加值成为了当下诸多民营企业的重要紧迫任务,而品牌竞争,则是企业发展的重要举措,品牌竞争不是企业商标也不是企业的广告宣传,品牌竞争是企业在良好的运营、优质的产品生产、先进的企业理念之下形成的一种企业品牌形象,是当下河南民营企业发展任务的重要内容,也是本文探讨的重点。[1] 骆驼鞋业品牌竞争策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_51143.html
