摘要近年来,苏南地区频繁出现 “用工荒”现象。和以往的“民工荒”现象不同,“用工荒”是一种新型劳动力资源匮乏现象,突出表现为“结构性”和“季节性”。无锡作为中国民族工业和乡镇工业的摇篮,苏南模式的发祥地,也受到了不小的冲击。因此,本文将运用人口发展观点、劳动力迁移决策等方法,剖析“用工荒”现象发生的原因并寻找相应对策,这对于促进无锡市的劳动力供给平衡以及经济可持续发展具有重大意义。49533
Research on the Reasons and Countermeasures for “Labor Shortage” in Wuxi City
In recent years, “labor shortage” phenomenon appears in South of Jiangsu area more and more frequently. Different from “shortage of migrant workers”, “Labor shortage”, which is structural and seasonal, is a new type of labor shortage phenomenon. As the cradle of Chinese national industry and township industry and the birthplace of South of Jiangsu mode, Wuxi is also facing such problem. Therefore, this paper analyzes the reasons that caused “labor shortage” and corresponding countermeasures by using the population development point of view and labor transfer decision method, which has significant meaning for market balance of labor supply and demand, as well as the sustainable development of economy in Wuxi.
Keywords: Wuxi; labor shortage; reasons; countermeasures
1 引言 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
2无锡市“用工荒”现状分析 5
2.1无锡市“用工荒”现状 5
2.1.1无锡市“用工荒”的“季节性” 5
2.1.2无锡市“用工荒”的“结构性” 6
2.2“用工荒”现象成因分析 7
2.2.1劳动力供给方在多因素影响下供给减少 7
2.2.2劳动力需求方不良观念及行为造成供给减少 10
2.2.3就业中介服务缺失造成供给减少 11
3“用工荒”现象的解决方案 11
3.1借鉴以往“用工荒”解决方法 11
3.1.1通过科学方法减少对劳动力的依赖 11
3.1.2提高薪酬待遇,改善用工环境,吸引和留住更多劳动力 12
3.1.3完善就业服务体系,引导人力资源合理配置 13
3.2无锡“用工荒”解决方案——“外来务工人员专项基金”构想 13
3.2.1“外来务工人员专项基金”的职能 13
3.2.2“外来务工人员专项基金”的来源 14
3.2.3“外来务工人员专项基金”的管理和监督 15
结 语 16
致 谢 无锡市“用工荒”现象成因及对策探究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_52535.html