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时间:2017-04-21 13:03来源:毕业论文

摘 要:  网络营销以其快捷、低成本、高覆盖面的优势为经营灵活的中小企业带来前所未有的变革和发展机遇,随着网络营销概念的普及和中小企业对网络营销的理论和方法的了解,越来越多的中小企业开始涉及网络营销,网络营销在企业中发挥着越来越重的作用,但随着它的兴起及迅速发展,越来越多的问题凸显出来。本论文从网络营销的内涵入手,深入分析我国网络营销目前存在的问题,以淘宝网为重点,比较淘宝网、易趣网、拍拍网这些购物网站,分析它们的优缺点,并结合相关的网络营销理论和淘宝网的具体情况,提出一些行之有效的建议和对策,以推动我国网络营销的发展。7451
关键词:网络营销、淘宝网、营销策略 Development of network marketing and strategy  -----In taobao, for example
Abstract: The On-line Marketing brings unprecedented changes, developments and opportunities to the small or medium-sized companies which take the flexible mode of business operation by its shortcut, low costing, high coverage rate. With the popularity of conception about online marketing and the understanding about the theory and method of online marketing, more and more small or medium-sized enterprises are dabbling into online marketing, the online marketing plays a more important role in the development of enterprises. But with it rapid development , more and more problems emerged. This article works for the conception of online marketing, and points at analyzing the issues which existed in China's online marketing. It focuses on Taobao.com. By making a comparison with Taobao, Dangdang, Amazon, Paipai and these kinds of shopping website, we can get a conclusion about the advantages and disadvantages of them. With the combination of online marketing theory and the specific situation of the Taobao, we can put forward some effective suggestions and measures to promote the development of online marketing.
 Key words: The Online Marketing, Taobao.com, Marketing strategy
目    录
一、绪论    5
(一)选题背景及意义    5
1.选题背景    5
2.研究意义    5
(二)网络营销相关概念    5
1. 网络营销定义    5
2. 网络营销基本特征    5
3. 网络营销发展趋势    6
(三)国内外研究状况和相关成果    7
1. 国外网络营销的研究现状    7
2. 国内网络营销的研究现状    7
(四)研究内容及方法    8
1. 研究内容    8
2. 研究方法    8
二、我国网络营销发展现状    9
(一)中国网民规模与互联网普及率    9
(二)中国网络营销市场规模    10
(三)中国网络营销投放总额    10
(四)中国网络营销市场份额    11
(五)营销网站市场份额    11
1. B2C网络营销市场份额    11
2. C2C网络营销市场份额    12
三、淘宝网的环境分析    12
(一)淘宝网的宏观环境分析——PEST分析    12
1.政治环境分析    12
2.经济环境分析    12
3.社会环境分析    13
4.技术环境分析    13
(二)淘宝网的行业竞争环境——五力模型分析    13 淘宝网网络营销的发展现状与策略研究+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_5421.html