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时间:2020-06-22 19:52来源:毕业论文



Research on staff training of the Economic-style Hotel——Case in Han Ting Hotel 

Abstract By the research of Han Ting Hotel ,I systematically analyzes the problems of Han Ting Hotel’s staff training systems, training needs analysis and training problems of implementation, etc., At the same time ,based on the review of staff training budget hotels Theoretical Research and development on the basis of reality to the application and development of human resource theory perspective, I put forward the specific suggestions for improvement of these issues, and try to design and development of the hotel industry employee training system. Research and analysis results show that: the concept of human resources at Han Ting been more fully appreciated, staff training related theories are practical applications to a certain extent, but these attention and application apparently did not rise to the development of hotels strategic level, in practice it is not perfect.

Keywords: economy hotel; staff training; current situation investigation; research staff training system

0 引言 1

1 经济型酒店员工培训相关理论分析 2

1.1 基本概念界定 2

1.1.1 培训的概念 2

1.1.2 经济型酒店的界定 2

1.1.3 经济型酒店特点 3

1.2 研究现状 3

1.2.1 经济型酒店的员工培训内容研究 4

1.2.2 国内酒店员工培训研究 5

2 汉庭酒店员工培训的概况及现状 5

2.1 调查基本情况 5

2.2 汉庭酒店概况 6

2.2.1汉庭酒店发展概况 6

2.2.2 汉庭酒店人力资源现状 6

2.3 汉庭酒店员工培训现状分析 7

2.3.1 受训人员队伍构成 7

2.3.2 培训制度情况 8

2.3.3 培训需求分析情况 8

2.3.4 培训计划的制定与实施情况 9

2.4 汉庭酒店员工培训存在的问题分析 13

2.4.1 酒店对培训工作不够重视 13

2.4.2 缺乏培训需求分析 14

2.4.3 培训实施不够合理 14

2.4.4 缺乏对培训效果的评估 15

3 改进汉庭酒店员工培训工作的建议 16

3.1 提高酒店管理者及员工对培训的重视程度 经济型汉庭酒店的员工培训问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_55145.html
