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时间:2020-09-01 20:19来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着经济的发展,我国超市生鲜食品经营呈现出空前的繁荣之势,取得了巨大的进步,超市生鲜区已成为众多卖场的主流经营方式。超市生鲜食品的经营管理是一项要求严苛、专业技术含量较高的工作,江阴市作为一个具有发展潜力的中小城市,超市生鲜食品经营处于一个不断发展的阶段,其中也有一些企业因缺乏市场营销理念而退出市场。本文以选择江阴大统华超市生鲜食品营销策略作案例研究,分析其在营销策略上存在的各种问题并针对存在的问题实施对应的解决方案,旨在帮助江阴大统华超市更好的发展。55367


Abstract:With the development of economy, the management of supermarket fresh food in China presents the unprecedented prosperity and makes great process. So having the fresh food area in supermarket has become the mainstream mode of operation of many stores. The management of the supermarket fresh food is a job with strict demands and higher professional technology content. Jiangyin is considered to be a small and medium-sized potential city. At there, the management of the supermarket fresh food is in a state of continuous development. And some businesses stay out the market because of lack of the marketing concept. In my paper, I choose the case of the marketing strategy of fresh food in Datonghua Supermarket in Jiangyin to go on my study. My aim is to help Datonghua Supermarket get further development by analyzing the various problems in the marketing strategy and carrying out the corresponding solutions for the existing problems.

Keywords: Supermarket, fresh food, marketing strategy

目 录

1  引言 3

2  4P营销策略概述 3

3  大统华超市简介及生鲜食品销售简介 3

4  市场调查问卷设计与收集 4

5  江阴大统华超市生鲜食品营销策略中存在的问题 5

5.1  产品价格过高,竞争力不强 5

5.2  产品质量不高,种类不齐全 5

5.3  促销力度不够,产品销售量低 6

5.4  进货渠道过长,供货效率低下 6

6  江阴大统华超市生鲜食品营销策略对策研究 6

6.1  降低产品价格,提高竞争力 6

6.2  加强质量管理,丰富产品种类 7

6.3  加强促销力度,提高销售量 8

6.4  加强进货渠道管理,完善物流配送体系 8

结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

附录 13

1  引言


大统华超市近年来入驻江阴,稳步发展,已被大众逐渐接受。本文就大统华超市生鲜食品营销策略进行研究,结合相关调查问卷和市场营销策略相关知识,利用统计分析的方法,分析其存在的问题并提出相应的解决建议。 江阴大统华超市生鲜食品营销策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_59713.html
