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时间:2020-11-12 11:33来源:毕业论文

摘 要:项目开盘是检验项目是否成功的手段,也是整个项目定位最重要的一环。而项目开盘也是极其繁琐复杂的流程,包括了各种途径的蓄客方式(大客户、CALL客、渠道、外拓)。而各种蓄客也是一个项目开盘是否成功的最重要的一环,蓄客的多少与开盘当天成交量直接挂钩,蓄客多成交量就多,蓄客少开盘就会失败。59438




Abstract: the project is the opening test whether the project success means, but also the entire project positioning is the most important one ring. The project opened is an extremely complicated process, including storage guest way various pathways (big client, CALL guest, channel, extension). While various storage guest is also the end of a project is successful or not is the most important one annulus, storage guest with the opening day turnover directly linked, storage guest multi volume is much less, storage guest opening will fail.

So to sum up, storage guest way is particularly critical. CALL passenger excuse, how to introduce, what time to call, it is important to use what tone; the big customers, how to go with the other leaders to communicate, can give a person to bring what interests are going to think about; external point of development should be put in what position, why should be placed in this position and not the position; what channels can send items publicity better, let more people know about our project.

At the same time opening time, a more important way of sales promotion is to attract customers.

Keywords: open storage ,guest storage ,guest way, promotion way

1  设计选题说明 4

1.1  选题原因说明 4

1.2  数据资料获得 4

1.3  选题依据 4

1.4  设计难度 4

1.5  设计实现可能性 4

2  设计依据 4

3  设计技术路线 5

3.1  主要目的 5

3.2  项目定位 5

3.3  项目区域分析 6

3.4  项目拓客策略 6

4  设计作用 7

4.1  对专业学习作用 7

4.2  对社会工作作用 8

结论 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11

1  设计选题说明

1.1  选题原因说明


1.2  数据资料获得

在营销公司实习的经历以及公司前辈们分享的房地产营销知识,使我能够获取第一手的数据资料。既有自己的亲身经历,也有向领导和前辈请教的事例,也有网上搜集营销案例、查阅有关房地产营销书籍等搜索资料的活动。为了完成本次毕业设计的房地产营销报告,我咨询了很多亲身经历了南京高科·荣境开盘活动前做外拓的前辈,并就许多问题向领导和前辈做了请教。 南京高科拓客策略蓄客方式:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_64664.html
