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时间:2017-05-09 21:40来源:毕业论文

With the deepening of China's reform and highly developed market economy, many companies in pursuit of high profits, appears in the production and operation of the many ethical shortcomings phenomenon. Not only limit the long-term development of the enterprise, and also many hazards and the adverse effects of the society, such as the production of fake and shoddy products, violations of consumers' rights and interests, fraud, breach of contract, the pollution of the environment and so on. Corporate profit-driven nature of play to the extreme, and only see companies should enjoy the rights, but they ignore their own obligations towards our society. Enterprises form part of the cells of the socio-economic, it is both the economic activities of the participants, is the main bearer of social responsibility, corporate obligation to enhance the building of business ethics, social responsibility, so community scholars must pay attention to the study of business ethics and to identify measures to improve present situation n. Of this research program is through the understanding of the meaning of business ethics, summarizes the contents of the business ethics based discusses business ethics based on solving practical problems.
Keywords: corporate marketing; moral; lack of enterprise marketing ethics
目  录
引 言    1
一、    研究背景及意义    1
(一) 国外研究现状    1
(二) 国内研究现状    2
(三)发展趋势    2
(四)研究的主要内容    3
二、 企业营销道德的介绍    3
(一)营销道德的定义    3
(二)企业营销道德的基本内容    4
1、 人本经营    4
2、 诚信经营    4
3、 生态经营    4
(三)企业营销道德确立的必要性    5
1、 是实现企业可持续发展的必要保证    5
2、 是形成良好的社会经济秩序的必然因素    5
3、 是建设社会主义和谐社会的必然要求    5
三、 我国企业在营销道德的现状及缺失归因    6
(一) 我国企业营销道德缺失的表现    6
1、 产品策略中的道德问题    7
2、 定价策略中的道德问题    8
3、 分销渠道中的道德问题    8
4、 促销中的道德问题    8
5、 网络营销中道德问题    8
(二) 营销道德缺失产生的原因    9
1、 政府因素    9
2、 社会因素    9
3、 企业因素    10
(三)企业营销道德缺失产生的影响    10
四、 解决我国营销道德缺失的对策    11 企业营销道德缺失分析+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_6670.html