摘 要:在当今企业组织中,如何通过加强员工信任关系水平来实现人力资本的积累成为了当代企业管理的主题。本文首先对人力资本概念的进行了界定,通过人力资本存量的增加和质量的提升来体现人力资本的积累,并对信任的内涵进行界定,其后,通过研究人力资本积累的主要途径--员工教育投资是如何影响人力资本积累的,分析员工信任关系与受教育程度之间的关系。最后基于员工信任关系水平对教育投资的影响,来揭示员工信任关系与人力资本积累的关系。最后,描述企业信任危机的表现和原因并对如何提升企业员工信任水平提出了建议,主要涉及道德、监督、法律等范围。63294
Enterprise employees trust relationship to promote the study of the human capital accumulation
Abstract: In today's business organizations, it has been the subject of the modern enterprise management as how to achieve the accumulation of human capital by strengthening employees' trust relationship. This article first gives the definition of human capital through the increase of human capital’s stock and the improvement of quality. Then it talks about the definition of trust in various areas and defines the connotation of trust in human capital. Next, it discusses how can employees’ education status, which is the main way to enhance human capital accumulation, affect human capital accumulation. And it analyses the relationship between trust level and employees’ education level. Finally, it reveals how employees’ trust relationship promotes human capital accumulation by studying the effects of employees’ trust level to their degree of education. Last but not least, it describes vividly the phenomenon of enterprise’s trust crisis and the reason why it brings about. And it gives suggestions on how to improve employees' trust level mainly on three spheres, that is, morality, regulation and law.
Key Words: Trust relationship; Human capital; The degree of education
表1.1 人力资本初创时期三位著名经济学家对人力资本的定义
Table 1.1 Human capital startup period three prominent economists on the definition of human capital
学者 定义
Schultz(1962) 人力资本是人作为生产者和消费者的能力,是体现于劳动者身上,通过投资并由劳动者的知识、技能、体力(健康状况)所构成的资本。[1]
Mincer(1989) 通过正规或不正规的家庭教育、职业培训、工作培训以及劳动市场上的流动而开发出来的能力。
Becker(1987) 贝克尔代表的观点,“人力资本是由人力资本投资形成的;对人力资本的投资可以调节未来的货币市场弹性和消费能力,促进人的资源的增长。” [2]
舒尔茨的观点是人力资本的量化是从量与质两个维度进行的,量是指社会人力资本的多少,社会中从事有价值工作的人数及比例、工作时间是其主要的衡量因素;质是指人的知识、技艺、熟练程度等可以影响人从事有用工作的能力的东西。在这些方面,每个劳动者都是不同的,同一个劳动者是否接受教育和培训,接受的何种程度的教育和培训,在这前后,他的工作质量、能力、技术水平都是不同的。 [3]文献综述 企业员工信任关系促进人力资本积累研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_69725.html