关键词 过程本体 本体构建 本体映射 智能设计 知识服务
毕业论文 外 文 摘 要
Title The Research of Ontology Mapping In Intelligent Product Design
In complex product design, product design knowledge plays a decisive role. The product design knowledge is dependent on the existence of the product design process, so how clear and precise definition of the product design process has become the key to product design.
At present, intelligent design requirements and design systems to effectively provide knowledge services for the design process, and the existing body of knowledge products can not meet the requirements of intelligent design, limited research on ontology design knowledge representation, acquisition and reusability. Design process ontology describes a series of activities associated with the relationship between knowledge, design process and achieve its ontology and ontology mapping is the product of intelligent design to achieve an effective way.
This paper presents the process of ontology construction processes and methods, and an example to the barrel barrel needs analysis and requirements modeling, design process to build a barrel body; carried out in order to process ontology-based intelligent design system construction , mainly for its core function module - ontology mapping and analysis of algorithms related to program implementation.
In short, this article will process ontology and ontology mapping theory into practice is conducive to product design toward a more intelligent direction, improve product design efficiency and quality of the work.
Keywords: Process ontology Ontology Construction Ontology mapping
Intelligent Design Knowledge Services
目 次
1 序言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究内容及文章结构 2
2 相关理论方法及其研究现状 5
2.1 智能设计 5
2.1.1 智能设计的含义 5
2.1.2 智能设计的特点与层次 6
2.2 本体 7
2.2.1本体的定义 7
2.2.2本体的建模原语 8
2.2.3本体描述语言 产品智能设计中的本体映射研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_72689.html