摘 要:淮安市的岩盐资源十分丰富,加上处于华东盐化工的消费地,盐化工产业便成为淮安市着力培育的千亿元产业。但是随着盐化工产业的不断发展,淮安盐化工给淮安带来经济增长的同时,对周边环境的污染问题也日益严峻。盐化工行业作为一个高排放行业,三废排放量很大,污染物种类众多。文章主要阐述淮安盐化工园区对周边环境所造成的污染,并对造成污染的原因进行深入分析,同时提出具有针对性的防治措施,力求在可持续发展的前提下,既提高园区的生产能力,又实现经济与环境的协调发展。66493
Abstract:The salt resource of Huaian is very rich, and the east of china is a place for salt chemical consumption, So the salt chemical industry becomes the leading industry of Huaian. However, with the development of the salt chemical industry, it brings economic growth for Huaian at the same time, it also brings the problem of pollution. The salt chemical industry as a highly polluting industries, The emission of “Three wastes” is very big, and the type of pollutants is rich. This article mainly expounds about the salt chemical industry of Huaian polluting the surrounding environment, it also analyzes the causes of pollution and protecting measures. On the premise of sustainable development, we can improve the production capacity of the park, and also realize the smooth development of the economy and environment.
Keywords:Huaian City, the salt chemical industry, Three wastes ,environment pollution
目 录
1 引言 4
2 淮安市盐化工园区对周边环境的影响 4
2.1 淮安市盐化工园区概况 4
2.2 淮安市盐化工园区对周边环境的污染 6
3 淮安市盐化工园区环境污染的防治措施 9
3.1 加强水污染整治,保护饮用水源安全 9
3.2 强化大气污染防治,改善空气环境质量 10
3.3 提高固废处置能力,加强综合管理 10
3.4 完善法制保障,强化监督机制 10
结语 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
1 引言
在淮安,盐和盐业的历史非常悠久,从古至今,它们在淮安的发展过程中一直演绎着一个极其重要的角色。远在明清两朝时期,淮安的河下古运河旁便有众多的盐商聚集在一起,官盐的盐务非常繁忙,给当时的淮安带来了繁荣盛世。淮安的岩盐资源十分丰富,又位于华东盐化工产业的消费地,因此,盐化工被淮安市作为重点培育的千亿元产业[1]。然而,在盐化工产业给淮安带来经济增长的同时,它作为一个易污染的行业,由于生产技术方案与工艺流程繁杂且多变的原因,在生产过程中产生了废水、废气和固体废弃物,且“三废”数量大、成分多,处理起来有一定的难度。[2] 淮安市盐化工园区对周边环境的影响及防治措施:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_74442.html