毕业论文关键词 认可的不平等 感知的不平等 公平感 基尼系数
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Empirical Study: A Sense Of College Students’ Fairness In The Transition Period
Reforming and opening makes China take on an altogether new aspect and the speed of economic development is very rapid. People's income and living standards continue to improve and they become rich. A row of buildings was built, highways were arranged in a crisscross pattern and public facilities continue to improve. To advance this goal, our country is headed in the comprehensive construction well-off society. But these series of reforms also let many people become losers, including millions or even still in the ever-increasing unemployment. This probably because flow mechanism such as the household registration system and the education system unique to China what results increase the Chinese people's sense of injustice.
This paper is based on college students' personal characteristics (Such as gender, whether is the only child, professional, grade, source), household characteristics (such as parents' level of education, occupation family income, the number of properties) to study the transition students a sense of fairness, inquire into the elements of a sense of fairness. The study show there is a significant relationship between household income and Inequality of recognition. The lower income people recognized the degree of inequality is lower, the higher income people recognized the higher the degree of inequality, but to a certain degree, the trend will decline. Equity index of university students of high educational level is lower than that of university students of low educational level. University students who think they have difficulties of buying houses may feel more unfair than those who think they have no difficulties of buying houses.
Keywords : Inequality of recognition Perceived inequalities Sense of fairness Gini coefficient
1 引言 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 研究意义 转型期大学生公平感的研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_76696.html