摘 要:近年来,随着国民经济的发展和住房制度改革的深化,我国房地产业的发展不断走向理性和规范,消费者日趋理性和成熟,开发企业之间的竞争也日趋激烈。在这种形势下,房地产企业如何进行有效的、切实可行的市场营销及产品推广逐渐成为房地产发展商开发经营成败的关键。为此,笔者立足于当前中国房地产发展的大环境,运用房地产市场营销理论与方法,针对常州市楼市情况,为常州紫金城项目具体制定了一套营销及推广方案。本案共分为七个部分,第一部分是前言;第二部分是阐述项目概况;第三部分是对项目环境进行分析;第四部分是对整个项目的SWOT分析;第五部分是对项目进行定位;第六部分是介绍项目的营销策略;最后一部分是对项目推广计划的介绍。为了促进房地产业的蓬勃发展和更好的实现销售,房地产企业应高度重视房地产营销及其产品推广。70549
Abstract:In recent years, with the deepening of the national economy development and reform of the housing system, the development of China's real estate industry continue to be rational, consumers become more rational and mature, and the competition between enterprises are becoming increasingly fierce. In this situation, the real estate enterprises how to carry out marketing and product promotion is effective and feasible gradually become a key real estate developer of business success. Therefore, the author bases on the current Chinese real estate development environment, the use of real estate marketing theory and methods, property market in Changzhou City, Changzhou Zijin City project has specified a set of marketing and promotion plan. The case is pided into seven parts. The first part is the introduction; the second part is about the general situation of the project; the third part is carries on the analysis to the environment of the project; the fourth part is to the entire project SWOT analysis; the fifth part is to carry on the localization to the project; the sixth part is introduced the project marketing strategy; the last part is the introduction on the project promotion plan. In order to promote the sales of real estate industry vigorous development and better, real estate enterprises should attach great importance to the real estate marketing and product promotion.
Keywords:marketing, project positioning, marketing strategy, promotion plan
目 录
1 设计选题说明 4
1.1 选题依据 4
1.2 设计项目概况 4
1.3 设计目的和要求 5
1.4 数据资料选取 5
1.5 设计重点和难点 6
1.6 设计实现可能性分析 6
2 设计依据 6
2.1 理论与方法 6
2.2 规范和标准 9
2.3 参考文献选用 9
3 设计的技术路线 9
4 设计成果分析 9
4.1 设计结论分析 9
4.2 设计可行性分析 10
5 设计的价值 10
5.1 对专业学习价值 10 常州紫金城项目营销及推广方案+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_79911.html