关键词: 儿童福利;儿童福利政策;孤残儿童9454
Study of Child Welfare Policy
Abstract:With the transformation of our society, a variety of new and old children increasingly serious problem, such as street children, orphans and disabled children and the plight of child-related issues. How to resolve orphaned street children's survival and development, thus promoting the overall level of welfare of our children, is to build a harmonious society important topics. At present, China's child welfare system architecture has been basically formed. But child welfare policy in developing the content and management are still some problems. Should promote child welfare legislation, integration of child welfare resources; child welfare policy perspectives extend to re-live, re-round development; perfect orphans welfare policy, aid orphans and disabled children to explore new models; strengthening accreditation child welfare agencies and services monitoring, establish pluralistic governance mechanisms; embraces persity in child welfare philosophy, society as a whole to enhance the degree of attention of children. This article first research background and significance are described, and then through the child welfare policies of the status quo analysis, in-depth analysis of the current child welfare policy of the problems presented to the development of child welfare policy recommendations.
Key words:Child ; Child welfare policy; Child welfare
五、结论 15
(一) 研究背景
儿童是人生发展的重要阶段。儿童是家庭的瑰宝,民族的希望,国家的基石,社会的明天。儿童的生存发展状况是最大的政治问题与国家的最高利益。从第一次世界大战后,各项的国际儿童权力典章,都强调儿童的基本权利和特殊儿童的保护。从各国的经验看,儿童福利发展的早期都是以“问题取向”为主,针对有特殊需求的儿童,如贫困失依的儿童、受疟儿童、残疾儿童等,实施救助、保护、矫正、辅导或养护等措施,以后才逐渐发展为今天的以“发展取向”为主,关怀的对象扩展为一般儿童健康生活所需要的服务,包括福利措施、卫生保健、幼儿园教育及司法保护等领域。在我国儿童福利的重点主要是解决“处于特殊困境下的儿童”问题,包括残疾儿童、孤儿、弃婴和流浪儿童。但是随着我国经济、社会的迅速发展,家庭、社会结构与功能内涵的变化,我国也开始关注贫困儿童、受疟儿童、行为偏差或情绪困扰的儿童。中国是世界上儿童数量最多的发展中国家,儿童与社会、国家与儿童、儿童与家庭、儿童与儿童的关系成为公共政策、社会政策与福利政策的核心议题。 我国儿童福利政策研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_8180.html