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时间:2017-06-22 19:12来源:毕业论文

关键词  区域定量风险评价  个人风险  社会风险   工程应用
Title    Risk Analysis of  a Dangerous Goods Park Area                     
With the development of social productivity, as well as scientific and technological advancing, industrial parks developed rapidly .Industrial Park in the adjustment of industrial structure, improving industry concentration degree, but also bring a high-risk to the region .How to ensure the production of dangerous goods safety and the surrounding environment, safety of the park, especially the dangerous goods has become a core issue need to be addressed.
Therefore ,in this paper Quantitative Area Risk Assessment evaluation model based on risk was the main research object ,the regional risk evaluation summarized and perfected. Introduced and to build security capacity, personal risk and social risk model in quantitative risk assessment were Introduced and built, the acceptable standard of personal risk and social risk has summarized, They are applied in the area risk assessment of a depots, reflecting their engineering applications.
Keywords  QARA  safety capacity  inpidual risk   social risk  engineering application
1  绪论    1
1.1  引言    1
1.1.1  研究背景及意义    1
1.2  区域风险定量评价国内外研究现状与分析    2
1.2.1  区域风险定量评价国外研究现状    2
1.2.1  区域风险定量评价国内研究现状    2
1.3  风险标准国内外研究现状    4
1.4  本文研究内容    5
2  区域风险定性分析介绍    5
3  区域风险定量分析指标介绍    6
3.1  安全容量    6
3.1.1  安全容量的概念    6
3.1.2  安全容量的计算模型    8
3.2  个人风险    8
3.2.1  个人风险的概念    8
3.2.2  网格定义    9
3.2.3  个人风险评价模型    10
3.2.4  结合matlab计算个人风险    11
3.2.5  利用CASST-QRA软件计算个人风险    12
3.3  社会风险    12
3.3.1  社会风险的概念    12
3.3.2  社会风险计算模型    12
3.3.3  利用CASST-QRA软件计算社会风险    13
4  相关的风险标准    14
4.1  个人风险标准的确定    14
4.2  社会风险标准的确定    15
5  工程运用    17
5.1  企业概况    17
5.2  风险定性分析    17
5.3  区域风险定量评价    18 危险品园区的区域风险分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_9676.html