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时间:2017-06-22 23:00来源:毕业论文

  Enterprise cross-border mergers and acquisitions refers to a country's transnational enterprises in order to a certain purpose, through certain channels and means of payment, the other country will be a certain share of the company's equity until the whole asset to buy off.
  With the rapid development of economic globalization, more and more enterprises to enhance their core competitiveness through the acquisition. With the subprime mortgage crisis, the investment scale of more and more big, the scope is more and more wide, but the success rate is low. The reason, in fact, is not only related to two-way choice between enterprises, but also with the formation of the enterprise integration strategy is closely related to science. In this paper, by taking Geely cross-border M & as an example, this paper analyzes the integration strategy of transnational merger and acquisition of enterprises, mainly in the aspects of technology strategy integration, cultural strategy integration, financial integration research, and so on.
  In terms of strategy technology integration, from the analysis of the demand strategy and talent strategy, the strategy of demand for the technology points for itself and market two aspects, the talent strategy focused on change of utilitarian mode of human resource management; in financial integration strategy, through sound reporting system, improve the financial system and improve the quality of accounting personnel to analyze.
  Secondly, the company's successful acquisition of the target enterprise, but may also be due to mergers and acquisitions on both sides of the then business during incompatible leads to the failure of mergers and acquisitions, M &amp. Among these, this paper focuses analysis of financial risk, through the demonstration and the overall estimate of capital budgeting can effectively prevent risks.
 [Key Words]:International merger;Core competitiveness;Integration strategy;The environmental risk of mergers and acquisitions
 目    录
摘 要I AbstractII
1.2 吉利跨国并购沃尔沃发展历程2
2、以吉利跨国并购沃尔沃为例整合策略分析2 企业跨国并购整合策略分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_9733.html