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时间:2018-03-24 09:14来源:毕业论文

摘要:幼儿园户外操类活动对幼儿的身心健康发展有着非常重要的影响。本文以周口市S幼儿园为例,通过观察法、访谈法对周口S 幼儿园的户外操类活动进行调查研究,分析得出当前幼儿园户外操类活动虽然有了良好的改善,但是还存在一些问题。幼儿户外操类活动内容死板、单一;更换频率低;做操积极性降低;健康操不符合幼儿年龄特点;材料不充分,针对上述问题,研究者提出从家庭、幼儿园和社会三个方面解决当前幼儿户外操类活动中出现的问题,旨在为幼儿户外操类活动的改善提供借鉴依据。20052
he present situation of the kindergarten outdoor exercise class study
—— in zhoukou city S kindergarten, for example
Abstract: kindergarten outdoor exercise class activities on children's physical and mental health development has a very important influence.This article in zhoukou city S kindergarten, for example, through the observation method, interview method of zhoukou S kindergarten outdoor exercise class activities of investigation and study, analysis of the current kindergarten outdoor exercise class although has a good improvement, but there are still some problems.Children's outdoor exercise class content rigid, single;Change the frequency is low;Exercises enthusiasm;JianKangCao does not conform to the preschool age characteristics;Inadequate material, according to the above problem, researchers have proposed in three respects: family, kindergarten and society to solve the current problems arising from the children's outdoor exercise class activities, aimed at young children provide reference basis for the improvement in outdoor exercise class activities.
Key words: children;Outdoor exercise;activity
目  录

摘要    2
Abstract    2
一、幼儿户外操类活动的概述    3
(一)幼儿园户外操类活动的定义    3
(二)幼儿园户外操类活动对幼儿成长的重要性    4
二、幼儿园户外操类活动的现状    5
(一)幼儿园户外操类活动内容    5
(三)户外操的更换频率    6
(四)幼儿园户外操类活动参与者    6
三、幼儿园户外操类活动存在的问题    6
(一)活动内容单调、死板;形式单一    6
(二)户外操更换频率低    6
(三)幼儿操不符合幼儿年龄特点    6
(四)教师编排,幼儿没有参与进来    7
(五)活动效果    7
四、解决幼儿园户外操类活动问题的对策    7
(一)家长方面    7
(二)幼儿园方面    8
(三)政府方面    8
结语    9
参考文献    9
附录Ⅰ    10
附录Ⅱ    11
附录Ⅲ    12
附录Ⅳ    13
致谢    14
培养人才是国家一项具有长远战略意义的系统工程。从教育特点来看,身心教育是幼儿教育的重点,其目的就是促进幼儿身心全面健康发展,幼儿是基础阶段,体质的提高和健康人格的培养尤为重要。然而孩子在幼儿园阶段由于父母关注不够;老师认知水平和幼儿园环境有限等因素的制约,幼儿户外操类活动没能有效开展,幼儿身体素质下降,影响幼儿身心健康发展。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》把“体”放在首位,是有科学道理的,因为幼儿的生长发育和动作发展水平会直接影响到他们的智力发展和将来的成长,直接影响祖国的未来和民族的兴旺,由此可见幼儿户外操类活动具有重要意义。要切实改善幼儿园户外操类活动情况,我们必须从多方面重视幼儿园户外操类活动,解决幼儿园户外操类活动存在的问题。 幼儿园户外操类活动现状分析:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_11685.html