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时间:2019-08-30 12:40来源:毕业论文

The Problems and Countermeasures on Cooperation in Constructing Area of  the middleClass in Kindergarten
——Taking the Third Sun Class of A Kindergarten in Zhoukou City as an Example
Abstract: Student period is the critical period of the development of children's cooperation and cooperation is complicated. Construction area is a comprehensive strong area, besides can develop children's ability, creativity and imagination, construct the area also need children to negotiate cooperation. So construction area to promote the cooperation development of young children play a valuable role. My student in young children as an object of study, using the methods of observation, literature study of young children's cooperative behavior, found the problem: current maturity of the development of the area Angle activity, such as: some big kindergarten class, area small Angle on the material, less, superficial under the guidance of teachers, the area Angle to carry out in-depth, also did not achieve the desired effect. Last advice: during the area Angle activity children, can control the number in the zone, put in the appropriate materials, coupled with the guidance of teachers' professionalization, infants in construction area activities will be able to better develop their ability to cooperate.
Key words: Construction area; Cooperative behavior; Zone activity
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract.    1
一、概念界定    2
   (一)区角概念    2
   (二)合作概念    2
   (三)建构区概念    2
二、中班幼儿建构区合作的优点    3
   (一)发展幼儿的智力、动手能力    3
   (二)发展幼儿的语言表达能力    4
   (三)发展幼儿的合作交往能力    5
三、中班幼儿建构区合作中存在的问题    5
   (一)班额大,区角人数多    5
   (二)投放材料小、少,难引起幼儿合作意愿    6
   (三)中班幼儿合作能力稍弱    7
   (四)教师指导只注重表面    7
    四、幼儿园建构区合作中存在问题的建议    8
       (一)控制进区人数    9
   (二)投放尽量多、大的材料,引起幼儿合作的兴趣    9
   (三)创设合作机会,提高幼儿合作能力    10
   (四)培训教师,使指导更专业化    11
参考文献    12
附录    13
致谢    14
幼儿园中班建构区合作中存在的问题及对策一、概念界定 幼儿园中班建构区合作中存在的问题及对策:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_38660.html