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时间:2019-06-10 19:08来源:毕业论文

Research Into the Effectiveness of the Kindergarten Area Angle  Activity Material
Abstract: Angle of zone activity is an important part of kindergarten education, play an important role on all-round development of children . Material delivery area angle activities effectively or not directly affect the quality of activities carried out, in view of this, in this paper, through the literature analysis, observation method and case analysis to the kindergarten corner activities material into the effectiveness of the investigation, found that the richness of teachers on the materials, gradation, exploratory certain problems, security, etc. Based on the analysis of the investigation and observation, promote the material on the effectiveness of Suggestions: material delivery should have rich persity, can be exploratory, gradation and security. To effectively solve the problem of beset with most of the nursery teachers, make the area angle activity materials on the more effective.
Keywords: The kindergarten; Area Angle activity; Material delivery; Effectiveness
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract:    1
一、区角活动材料投放的有效性概述    2
(一)相关概念的界定    2
(二)研究方法    3
二、区角活动材料投放有效性的现状分析    3
(一)材料投放多样性不足,难以满足幼儿活动需求    4
(二)材料投放层次性缺乏,忽视幼儿个性发展差异    4
(三)材料投放探究性欠缺,无法满足幼儿探索欲望    4
(四)材料投放安全性不够,不能保障幼儿人身安全    5
三、提高区角活动材料投放有效性的建议    5
(一)增加材料投放的多样性,满足幼儿的活动需求    6
(二)增强材料投放的层次性,重视幼儿的发展差异    6
(三)加强材料投放的探究性,满足幼儿的探究欲望    7
(四)重视材料投放的安全性,保障幼儿的人身安全    7
结语    8
参考文献    8
附录    9
致谢    10
 幼儿园区角活动从80年代进入我国开始越来越受到重视。特别是近年来,区角活动作为一种特殊的教学模式,在幼儿园活动中占据了重要的地位,对幼儿教育工作的开展具有重要的补充作用。《幼儿园教育纲要》指出:要关注幼儿个别差异,促进每个幼儿富有个性的发展。[1]而材料是区角活动的物质基础,丰富而适宜的材料能丰富环境的教育内涵,激发幼儿参与活动的兴趣,促使幼儿得到自主发展。因此,材料投放的有效与否直接影响区角活动的开展质量,只有合理有效的材料投放才能促进幼儿的学习和发展。鉴于此,本文选择区角活动材料投放的有效性作为研究对象,通过观察了解某幼儿园小二班区角活动材料投放的有效性现状及存在的问题,为教师提出一些能提高材料投放有效性的建议。 幼儿园区角活动材料投放有效性研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_34487.html