Study on the interaction between teachers and children in the process of teachers' spoken language-- Taking Luohe city X kindergarten as an example
Abstract: Speech is one of the way for people to express their thoughts and feelings to each other, communication is the most basic way, the interaction between teachers and children must be realized through the oral language, the author found that the teachers in the teacher child interaction in oral language is the existence of many problems. This research mainly take the middle as an example, the teacher child interaction in oral language performance as the research object, with the methods of field observation and interview from the teachers' oral language, oral language subject frequency type, spoken language and speech emotion features of initiator and other aspects were analyzed, and the actual problem analysis and discussion, and finally put forward the corresponding suggestion and strategy according to the result.
Keywords: The interaction between teachers and children; preschool teacher; oral language.
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、师幼互动中教师口头言语的概述 2
(一)师幼互动的概念 2
(二)教师口头言语的概述 2
二、师幼互动过程中教师口头言语现状的调查结果与分析 3
(一)师幼互动中教师口头言语的主题分析 3
(二)师幼互动中教师口头言语的类型分析 4
(三)师幼互动中教师口头言语的发起者分析 4
(四)师幼互动中教师口头言语的情感特征 5
三、师幼互动中教师口头言语存在的问题及原因分析 5
(一)存在的问题 5
(二)原因分析 7
四、改善师幼互动中教师口头言语的建议 9
(一)幼儿园方面 9
(二)幼儿教师方面 9
参考文献 10
附录A 11
附录B 12
致谢 13
笔者在实习期间就发现了一些师幼互动中存在的问题,如在一次中班集体教学活动时,老师让幼儿说说自己周末干了什么。孩子们纷纷举起了手,想让老师叫到自己讲一下。老师相应地请几个孩子说了自己干的事情。正当老师打算再请一位幼儿说时,突然,一个女孩静雯站了起来。她刚说了“周日……”两个字,老师就打断了她的话:“谁允许你说了?你给我坐好。”幼儿看看老师没说什么,默默坐回自己的位上。之后该幼儿继续举手,老师却只是看着静雯并对全班幼儿说:“不听老师话的孩子,老师就不让她说。”静雯悄悄缩回了手。在接下来的活动时间里,该幼儿的手再没举起过,而其他孩子则也循规蹈矩。在这个活动里的幼儿因得不到老师的关注,而主动向老师发起了互动,希望得到老师的接纳和关注,然而老师的言语回应方式却彻底打消了该幼儿再次向老师发起互动的念头,结果就会影响师幼互动的质量,对幼儿的情感也会造成一定的影响。所以,对建立在师幼互动基础上的口头言语的研究,对教师反思自己的教育行为、改进教育方式、更好地促进幼儿的发展,具有非常重要的价值。 师幼互动过程中教师口头言语研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_35147.html