The Analysis and Improvement Strategies of Kindergarten Busing Issue
Abstract: In recent years, school bus safety with frequent accidents, thus busing has become a hot issue of concern to everyone. And there are many problems in the process of school buses. Therefore, busing issues become an urgent need to study. By finding relevant references of busing issues, involved in the school bus process,from field survey to understand school bus current situation. Analyzes the number of school bus carrying kindergarten、school bus service from staff training、the environment of school bus、the school bus regulation and emergency etc. Found that school bus loading unreasonable, school bus service is not high quality, poor operating environment, lack of proper school bus safety management system and other issues. Put forward reasonable suggestions from follows: increase investment on the school bus, to improve the quality of school bus service, improve school bus operating environment, and improve school bus system and emergency measures, so as to maximize the process of reducing busing issues.
Keywords: Kindergarten; busing issue; school bus
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、幼儿园校车接送界定 2
二、幼儿园校车接送问题及成因分析 2
(一)校车超载严重 2
(二)校车服务人员不尽责 3
(三)校车运行环境差 5
(四)接送管理制度不完善 5
(五)应急措施不完善 6
三、优化幼儿园接送问题的策略 6
(一)加大对幼儿园及校车的投资 6
(二)加强校车服务人员教育 7
(三)改善校车运行环境 7
(四)完善校车接送管理制度 7
(五)完善应急措施 8
参考文献 9
附录I 10
附录II 11
致谢 12
根据我国首个校车安全标准GB7258-2004《机动车运行安全技术条件》第2号修改单,校车是指用于运送不少于5名幼儿园、小学、中学等教育机构的学生及其照管人员上下学的客车和乘用车[1]。 幼儿园校车接送问题分析及优化策略:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_35559.html