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时间:2019-07-26 11:33来源:毕业论文

Student in early childhood health habits
——In anyang city J kindergarten, for example
Abstract: Education, is actually habits. A person's habits has significant relationship for his life, and life habit is the most basic one habit. Early childhood is the critical period life good hygienic habit, good habits of life and health plays an important role in the development of man. As enlightenment stage of life, childhood is the best period of habits. For scientific investigation private kindergarten student in early childhood health habits, the author will mainly use observation method to study the current situation of the student in early childhood health habits, the main content includes: personal hygiene in the life of health habits, activities, public hygiene, safety and health habits. And interviews to teachers, children, parents, understand the present situation for the cultivation of the hygiene. Case analysis on the existing problems of infants, case analysis. Model good Suggestions and opinions, pay attention to parents, teachers, responsibility, home of women, etc. Help children develop good habits of life and health, for private kindergarten student in early childhood health habits have improved.
Keywords: life health habits, cultivating children
 目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、生活卫生习惯的概述    2
(一)生活卫生习惯的定义    2
(二)中班幼儿卫生习惯的内容    3
(三)中班幼儿生活卫生习惯培养的重要性    3
二、中班幼儿生活卫生习惯培养的现状    4
(一)中班幼儿生活卫生习惯培养的内容不清楚    4
(二)中班幼儿生活卫生习惯培养的目标不明确    5
(三)生活卫生习惯培养的方法不正确    5
三、分析影响培养幼儿生活卫生习惯的因素    6
(一)教师因素    6
(二)家长因素    7
(三)家园合作    7
四、 中班幼儿生活卫生习惯培养的对策    7
(一)注重幼儿日常生活卫生习惯的培养    8
(二)提高幼儿教师的理论知识    8
(三)重视家园合作    8
(四)针对幼儿卫生习惯培养创设游戏或活动    8
参考文献    9
附录Ⅰ    10
附录Ⅱ    11
致谢    12
我国实行计划生育20多年以来,城市内大多都是独生子女。幼儿教育逐渐被社会各界重视起来。教育实际上就是习惯的养成,一个人的习惯对于其一生有着举足轻重的作用,而生活习惯既是一个人最基本的习惯,又会对其以后发展产生极大影响。幼儿时期是良好生活习惯养成的关键期。幼儿时期,幼儿对周围的环境十分敏感,喜欢模仿,极易受外界的刺激和影响,所以,培养良好的生活卫生习惯就显得尤为重要。 幼儿园中班幼儿生活卫生习惯培养:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_36360.html