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时间:2019-08-05 12:40来源:毕业论文

The Problems and Countermeasures in the Theme Wall Creating Activities of Kindergarten A in ZhouKou City
Abstract: Environment is an important educational resource in educational practice, so the creation and utilization of environment should be accomplished in order to promote the development of children in an efficient way. In the practice of kindergarten education, environment plays an increasing role in developing intelligence and building good personality in the development of children. Thematic wall, as a crucial part of the creation of the kindergarten environment , brings pleasure to children and is popular with them with its characteristics of bright color, traits and closeness to children's lives. Therefore, this paper, focusing on the design of the thematic wall and its current existing problems in A kindergarten in Zhoukou City, analyzes its current situation and finds out the problems mainly viewing from the design of the thematic wall in the kindergarten and teachers' using it for educational purposes through the methods of observation and interview. And based on this, a new strategy for the effectiveness of the thematic wall, the establishment of a team of teachers with high qualities and the establishment of a sound evaluation system, is proposed.
Keywords: Young children; Thematic wall; Educational function
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、幼儿园主题墙概述    2
(一)    主题墙概念界定    2
(二)主题墙创设活动的教育价值    3
(三)主题墙创设的原则    3
二、该幼儿园创设主题墙存在的问题及成因    4
(一)主题体现不明确    4
(二)未能发挥儿童主体性    6
(三)缺乏师幼互动    9
三、有效创设幼儿园主题墙的活动策略    11
(一)建立一支高素质的教师队伍    11
(二)突出幼儿园主题墙的教育价值    11
(三)健全幼儿园主题墙的评价体系    12
参考文献    13
附录I    14
附录II    15
致谢    16
在现代社会中,环境对于儿童成长具有非常重要的影响,正为越来越多的人所接受。适当的环境为儿童的生活、学习、游戏等提供了重要的保障,环境包含了丰富的教育资源,和在环境中成长的儿童起着互动的作用。同时,环境也起着一种隐性课程的积极作用,为儿童提供教育价值、情感体验,自我的不断发展和完善自我的条件。所以,适当的环境创设为儿童的发展提供了教育的生长点,儿童在其中体验生活的趣,成功的快乐感,儿童在不知不觉中获得了发展。因此,适应的环境是儿童快乐生活,健康成长,愉快学习的保障。作为幼儿园中常见的、惯用的主题墙环境创设,是幼儿园环境的重要组成部分,是一种不可缺少的教育环境。可是幼儿园主题墙环境虽然肩负有教育的职责,它始终没有得到相应的正视。在现实生活中,将幼儿园主题墙环境创设等同于“装饰”的看法依然存在,由于这种观点的存在,人们忽视对幼儿园主题墙环境创设教育功能的研究,忽视幼儿园主题墙环境创设在使用中的教育价值。因此摆脱幼儿园主题墙环境创设中“装饰”地位,突出其教育功能就成了当务之急。 幼儿园主题墙创设活动中存在的问题:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_37029.html