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时间:2020-06-03 19:41来源:毕业论文



The Lack of Courage and Training of Teachers' Classroom Teaching

Abstract: The courage to teach is the teaching idea which is not restricted by the teachers, and is the power source of the development of teaching. It is beneficial to promote the reform of classroom teaching, is conductive to the promotion of professional development of teachers, and it is the power source of teachers to help them to return to themselves. Therefore, this study through classroom observation, exploring the performance of the lack of courage in teaching, such as teaching personality to erase the teaching program, mode of student-centered teaching concept of improper operation, dare not face the students asking questions and so on, put forward the formation of the community of teachers and the mind of teachers, so that teaching is full of love, put forward to get rid of the utilitarian school, empowering in the wake of teachers professional consciousness of teachers, arouse teachers' inner courage reasonable suggestions, so as to promote the professional development of teachers.

Keywords: Teachers; Teaching courage; Lack of personality; The pursuit of true

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、教学勇气的内涵及其重要性 2

(一)教学勇气的内涵 2

(二)教学勇气的重要性 2

二、教师教学勇气的缺失 4

(一)课堂中不敢对学生“放手” 4

(二)缺乏创新意识 5

(三)不敢正视课堂中学生的质疑问难 6

三、教师教学勇气的激发 6

(一)教师:关注自身,让心灵和教学不再分离 6

(二)学校:创造一切有利于教师专业自主发展的条件 8

参考文献 9

附录 10

致谢 11 


教师为着心灵的自由选择他们的职业,但是教学要求、教学工作的负荷常常使得很多教师心灵失落,逐渐丧失内心的热情。如何使教师有可能重拾初衷,乃至于可以持续做一个好教师所该做的——对学生用心,“源自心灵的教学”?那就需要教师再一次鼓起教学勇气,像优秀教师那样——把心灵献给学生,因为教学勇气对激发教师专业自主发展有着极其重要的作用。而当下教师教学勇气又是怎么样呢,本研究通过对课堂教学观察进行分析和对教师的访谈,探寻教师教学勇气表现状况,在此基础上,寻找激发教师教学勇气的内在根源。 教师教学勇气的缺失及激发:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_53634.html
