毕业论文关键词:教育; 无痕教育; 思想政治教学
Analysis on the Traceless Education in Ideological and Political Teaching
Abstract:Since twenty-first century, economic globalization of the world has increasingly deepened. The persification of economic interests and economic composition caused the persification of people's ways of thinking, behavior, values. The traditional ideological and political education instil ideology into students’ minds with relatively fixed, rigid form, which emphasizes the realization of the education goal in the short term. At present, students pay more attention to freedom of thought, the pursuit of the liberation of personality. In this situation, the ideological and political education ignores the students' subject status. Therefore, students tend to has the psychology of escape and defensive. This topic will starts with the definition of traceless education, explaining its characteristics, significance, ways of implementation and the points of implementation. In this way, it illustrates the significance of traceless education and the specific implementation in the ideological and political teaching.
Key Words: education; traceless education; ideological and political teaching
新课程改革倡导教师要改变教育角色,从知识的传授者转变为学生学习的引导者和促进者。传统的政治老师给人的印象大多都是严肃,爱说教,反复强调大道理,忽略了学生的主体性。学生作为教育的主体,应该主动积极获取知识,这就需要教师在教育过程中,淡化角色观念,以人为本,引导学生自主学习。无痕教育正如苏格拉底的“产婆术”,学生通过教师一步步的启发诱导,逐渐获得真知,在这个过程中,充分显示出教师作为一名“旁观者”和“引导者”所体现的教学优势,受教育者感到自身地位提高了,定会改变以往被动、消极的状态,转而以更加主动、积极的态度接受教育。 无痕教育在思想政治教学中的运用:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_66211.html